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unhelpfully ['ʌn'helpfʊlɪ] adv.
gen. nicht hilfreiche; wenig hilfreich; wenig hilfsbereit; nicht hilfreich
 English thesaurus
unhelpfully ['ʌn'helpfʊlɪ] adv.
gen. in a manner that does not help (the same man who behaved so unhelpfully • 'Guess,' Lola said unhelpfully. • Unhelpfully, several rivers have been given the same name to separate watercourses located in each state. • Some would unhelpfully change baud-rate of their own volition, which would leave the computer with no clue how to handle the incoming bits. collinsdictionary.com); in an unhelpful manner (It is, as a friend unhelpfully told me when I was about to direct it, ‘so good not even a director could mess it up’ • The Minnesota Statute providing for vacancies in Senate seats unhelpfully defines ‘vacancy’ to mean ‘vacancy.’’ • When asked how he accomplished his astonishing discoveries, Newton replied unhelpfully, “By thinking upon them.” • Considering the persistent varieties of religious experience in America, we aren’t blessed with nearly enough good novels about the diverse currents of spirituality. And the shelves are particularly quiet — or unhelpfully shrill — on the more radical expressions of religious belief. • Perry concedes that what she has written is “less a biography than a genre yet to be named.” She hazards instead the non-idea of a “third person memoir,” which is, unhelpfully, the very definition of a biography. • In the first episode, Kevin watches a congressional hearing in which congressmen unhelpfully ream scientists for their cluelessness, as though if they yell loud enough, an explanation will materialize. • The longtime front-runner, Joe Biden, was popular with those voters as President Obama’s vice president. But he seems to have flamed out, finishing a distant fifth in New Hampshire. His gaffes have left many scratching their heads, and his candidacy is clearly on life support. The Democrats’ impeachment bid unhelpfully focused attention on his and his son’s dealings with Ukraine for months. • She is angry at these humiliations, and she seems committed to her anger, directing it unhelpfully at some of the wrong people, uselessly at some of the right ones. • Describing his friend since university as a "zealous and charming eccentric", Mr Cameron said that as education minister, Michael Gove "frequently and unhelpfully ranged well beyond his brief". • But the Bible unhelpfully does not include original illustrations. • Eliot Calhoun, the agency’s Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives Planner, sees the signs as unhelpfully muddying the waters. vocabulary.com)