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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
graph [ɡrɑːf], US and UK also: [græf] n
gen. graphische Darstellung; Kurve f; Kurvenblatt n; Schaubild n; grafische Darstellung; Kurvenbild n; Graf Graph; Darstellung f
agric. Graphik f
comp. Schema n
comp., MS Graph m (In programming, a data structure consisting of zero or more nodes and zero or more edges, which connect pairs of nodes. If any two nodes in a graph can be connected by a path along edges, the graph is said to be connected. A subgraph is a subset of the nodes and edges within a graph. A graph is directed (a digraph) if each edge links two nodes together only in one direction. Graphical Device Interface graphics import component graph is weighted if each edge has some value associated with it)
construct. linieren; Schaulinie f; math Kurve
econ. auf zeichnen
ed. Liniendiagramm n; grafisches Schaubild
math. Graph m
med. Kurvendarstellung f
phys. Kurvendarstellung f (of the function)
stat., scient. grafische Darstellung graphische Darstellung; Grafik Graphik
tech. Bild n; Diagramm n; Grafik f; Kurvenschaubild n
Graph [ɡrɑːf], US and UK also: [græf] n
pharma. Grafik f; graphische Darstellung; graphische Kurve
graphs n
gen. Schaubilder n
graph [græf] v
IT graphisch auftragen; aufzeichnen
graph [græf] adj.
busin., IT grafisch darstellen
 English thesaurus
graph [græf] abbr.
abbr., busin. granulated sugar; graphic
Graph [græf] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .cgm (file name extension, Lotus 1-2-3, LDC); .grf (file name extension)
math., abbr. G
graph. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. graphic; graphology
abbr., libr. graphical
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
Artificial intelligence4