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Fru abbr.
med. Fruchtzucker; Fructose; Fruktose
 English thesaurus
FRU abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. field-replaceable unit
FRUs abbr.
abbr., busin. field replacement units
fru abbr.
biol. fructose
FRU abbr.
abbr. Flux recovery unit (Е.Лавочкина)
abbr., avia. frequency reference unit
abbr., el. fleet radio unit
abbr., el., scient. Field Replacable Unit
abbr., market. Flat Rate Unit (фиксированная единица рабочего времени; FRU is a measure of estimated flat rate labor time used most commonly in Germany. FRU differs from company to company and depends on internal calculations of a company (e.g. 1 FRU = 5 minutes of labour)  Wasabin)
abbr., mil. Field Replaceable Unit; Field Replacement Unit; federal reserve unit (igisheva)
abbr., oil field reading unit; flat ribbon unit
abbr., scottish Fleet Requirements Unit
airports, avia. Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
comp. field replaceable unit
mil. field replacement unit; force reconnaissance unit; forward repair unit
FRu abbr.
abbr., soil. humic ferralsol
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Electrical engineering1