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accounts payable [ə'kaunts'peɪəb(ə)l]
gen. Verbindlichkeit aus Wareneinkauf oder empfangener Dienstleistung
bank. Kreditoren m
busin. Kreditorenkonto n; Schuldposten m; Verbindlichkeiten f
busin., IT Verbindlichkeiten aufgrund von Warenlieferungen und Leistungen
comp., MS Kreditorenkonten n (A group of posting accounts that show the amounts owed to suppliers or creditors for goods, supplies, or services purchased on credit); Kreditorenkonten/Kreditoren n (A group of posting accounts that show the amounts owed to suppliers or creditors for goods, supplies, or services purchased on credit); Kreditoren m (A subclassification of a liability account classification that describes the changes in value owed to vendors or creditors); Kreditorenkonten n (A group of posting accounts that show the amounts owed to suppliers or creditors for goods, supplies, or services purchased on credit); Kreditoren m (A subclassification of a liability account classification that describes the changes in value owed to vendors or creditors)
econ. Bilanz Buchschulden
fin. zu zahlende Rechnungen; Verpflichtungen, Verbindlichkeiten
fin., account. Buchschulden f
fin., amer. Verbindlichkeiten aus Lieferungen und Leistungen; Schulden n
account payable
gen. Kreditorenkonto n
fin. Schuld f; Zahlungsverpflichtung f
tech. Verbindlichkeit f
 English thesaurus
accounts payable [ə'kaunts'peɪəb(ə)l]
abbr. ac pay; a/c pay (oVoD)
Accounts Payable [ə'kaunts'peɪəb(ə)l]
abbr. AP (Capital)
IT, abbr. A/P
accounts payable
: 41 phrases in 11 subjects
Foreign trade2
International Monetary Fund1