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SAB [sæb] abbr.
health. Blindenbund; SBB; Schweizerischer Blinden-Bund; Schweizerischer Blindenbund
 English thesaurus
SAB [sæb] abbr.
abbr. Staff Accounting Bulletins; Saba, Netherlands Antilles; Sensor/ Actuator Bus; Sixth Avenue Building; Solar Alignment Bay; Steve A. Baker; Student Activities Board; Student Advisory Board; Subject Authority Board; Swiss Admission Board; Systems Advisory Board
abbr., auto. secondary air bypass; side airbag
abbr., avia. space application board
abbr., bacteriol. Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (Игорь_2006)
abbr., earth.sc. Science Advisory Board; Society of Applied Biology; South Atlantic Bight
abbr., el. secondary application block; semiconductor avalanche bolometer; services ancillary to broadcasting; session awareness block; special advisory broadcast; Standards Activity Board; sync address bus
abbr., gynecol. spontaneous abortion (vdengin)
abbr., IT Standards Activities Board
abbr., meteorol. Scientific Advisory Board; Society Of American Bacteriologists; Spontaneous Abortion
abbr., mil. scientific advisory board (USAF)
abbr., mil., WMD Subject as above
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. security advisory board
abbr., oil shallow auger bore; Sinu Atlantic basin; solid assembly building; strong air blow; styrene-acrylonitrile-butadiene terpolymer
abbr., radiol. Scan Away from Base (iwona)
abbr., securit. special assessment bond
abbr., space spacecraft assembly building; system advisory board
abbr., tradem. Sutherland, Asbill, & Brennan, L. L. P.
abbr., water.suppl. Science Advisory Board (EPA)
mil. signal aviation branch; site activation board; storage and assembly building
physiol. Spontaneous abortion
tech. source address bus
SAb [sæb] abbr.
abbr. Serum Antibody
abbr., med. serum albumin
sab [sæb] abbr.
abbr. sabotage; saboteur
Sab [sæb] abbr.
abbr., oil Sabinetown
Sab. abbr.
lat. Sabbatum ("Sabbath", "Saturday")