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noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
master ['mɑ:stə] n
gen. Haupt... n; Herr m; Dienstherr m; Grund m; Gebieter veralt.; Haupt- n; Rektor Leiter eines Colleges; meistern
commun. Originalkopie f; Master-MAZ m; Master m (bus control, LAN); Bussteuerstation f (LAN); Muttermaske f (microcircuits); Negativ n (phono disk, CD); Original n (microcircuits); Vaterplatte f (phono disk, CD)
commun., IT Chefinstanz f
comp. Anfangs- m; Leit- m; Master- m; Hauptgerät n (in einem Master-Slave-System); Mastergerät n; steuerungsführendes Gerät
comp., MS Master m (A slide view or page on which you define formatting for all slides or pages in your presentation. Each presentation has a master for each key component: slides, title slides, speaker's notes, and audience handouts)
construct. Prinzipal m; Meister m; Arbeitgeber m; Abnahmelehre f; Normale m
econ. Handwerksmeister m; Fachmann m; Vorgesetzter m; Kapitän m (eines Handelsschiffs); Lehrer m (bes an höheren Schulen); Rektor m (College, Universität); Magister m (zweiter akademischer Grad); beherrschen (auch Fach, Sprache); herrschen über; leiten; führen; lenken
ed. Diplom- n; Magister m (holder of a master's degree); Meisterin f; sich aneignen; erlernen
el. Druckvorlage f
law Handwerksmeister m (Meister); Geschäftsherr m
law, ADR Kapitän m (e-s Handelsschiffes)
mech.eng. Kopierlineal n; Kopierschablone f; Nachformschablone f
met. Mustermodell n
microel. Leitrechner m; Original n (s.a. master mask); Hauptgerät n; übergeordnetes Gerät; steuerndes Gerät
opt. Maßverkörperung f; Muster n (standard); Urform f
social.sc. Schiffsführer m (on board)
tech. Kopiervorlage f; Lehrer m; Lehrherr m; Lehrmeister m; Original n; Musterstück n; Normal n; Standard m; Meister m (mechanic/electrician); Vorlage f; in Zusammensetzungen hauptsaechlich
transp. Kapitän der Handelsmarine
transp., tech. hinweismuster
univer. Magister m
...master n
gen. ...meister
Master person with a graduate degree ['mɑ:stə] n
gen. Magistra österr.
-master n
gen. -meister
masters ['mɑ:stəz] n
gen. Herren m
master ['mɑ:stə] v
gen. bewältigen
tech. beherrschen
mastered v
gen. beherrschte; bewältigt; gemeistert
master ['mɑ:stə] adj.
gen. führend; leitend
 English thesaurus
master ['mɑ:stə] abbr.
abbr. mstr
abbr., avia. MST
law An attorney who is appointed by the judges of a circuit court with the approval of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, to conduct hearings and to make finding of facts, conclusions of law, and recommendations as to an appropriate order
USA The commander of a United States Naval Ship, a commercial ship, or a government-owned general agency agreement ship operated for the Military Sealift Command by a civilian company to transport Department of Defense cargo (JP 3-02.1)
MASTER ['mɑ:stə] abbr.
abbr. Multiple Access System For Televised Educational Resources
abbr., astronaut. Meteoroid and Space Debris Terrestrial Environment Reference Model
abbr., ed., scient. Meeting Achievement And Success Through Effective Retention
abbr., el. multiple access shared-time executive routine
abbr., mil., air.def. manless advanced solid-state tactic efficient radar; miniaturized sink-rate telemetering radar; modular airborne search and track radar
abbr., scottish Military Aircraft Satcoms Terminal; Modular Acoustic Stimulator / Emulator
comp. multi-access satellite with terrestrial retransmissions
mil. miniaturized aircraft sink rate telemetering radar
master A shape on a stencil that you use repeatedly to create drawings ['mɑ:stə] abbr.
abbr., comp., MS ప్రధాన
Master ['mɑ:stə] n
energ.ind., abbr. M
Master Of
: 136 phrases in 26 subjects
American usage, not spelling4
British usage, not spelling4
Equestrian sports1
Health care1
Information technology1
Optics branch of physics1
Punched cards1
Social science1