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noun | abbreviation
BR abbr.
abbr. British Rail
 English thesaurus
Br abbr.
abbr. bulger
abbr., dril. brown shale
abbr., earth.sc. bravoite; breccia; bromellite; bromide; burun
abbr., mil. brigade
abbr., oil Byelorussia; bronzite; brucite; bryozoans; Ethiopian Birr; residual induction
abbr., scottish Bromine
Br. abbr.
abbr. Brazil; British; bronze
abbr., earth.sc. brass
BR abbr.
abbr., med. Broad Range (iwona)
Brs. abbr.
abbr., econ. brother (s)
Brs abbr.
abbr., phys. retentivity
BrS abbr.
abbr. Brugada syndrome (MichaelBurov)
BRS abbr.
abbr. Big Red Switch; Blue Ridge Shores; Board Review Series; Business Reduction Sale; Backup and Recovery System 3 Beach Reconnaissance System; Beachman Reporting System; Bertrand Russell Society; Bibliographic Retrieval Service; brass; Brotherhood of Railway Signalmen; Bureau of Railroad Safety; Business Recovery Service; Building Research Station
abbr., avia. Bristol, England, UK; Baggage Reconciliation System (Alexey Lebedev); build requirement sheet; BMS Reporting System; best-range speed
abbr., busin. branch
abbr., earth.sc. Baikal Rift System
abbr., el. back reflecting surface; bistatic radar system; block received signal; B-mode receiving system B; buried ridge structure
abbr., IT Business Recovery Server
abbr., med. Baroreflex Sensitivity; Behavior Rating Scale; Battered Root Syndrome; Bibliographic Retrieval Services; British Roentgen Society; basic radiological system; baroreflex sensitivity (Ying); burst suppression ratio (Rada0414); Biofeedback Research Society
abbr., med.appl. basic radiographic system
abbr., mil. Binaural Room Scanning
abbr., mil., avia. beam-riding system
abbr., nautic. Bristol, U.K.
abbr., oil Bibliography Retrieval Services; branch subroutine
abbr., sport. Brantford Red Sox
abbr., st.exch. Banco Rio de la Plata, S. A.
abbr., tradem. Bibliographic Research Service; Blue Ribbon Sports
abbr., transp. Brooklands Road Special
mil. base radio station; best range speed; bridge reinforcement system; British receiving station
tech. B-mode receiving system; balloon radio system; binary ring sequence; boron recovery system; boron recycle system; break request signal; business radio service
brs abbr.
abbr. bridges