
   English Swedish
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patents. laboratorier
environ. laboratorium
| for
gen. åt; för
Integrative Neuroscience | and
gen. jämte; och; samt
| Endocrinology
health. endokrinologi
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
laboratories n
patents. laboratorier
laboratory [lə'bɔrətrɪ] n
pharma., transp., environ. laboratórium
laboratory A room or building with scientific equipment for doing scientific tests or for teaching science, or a place where chemicals or medicines are produced [lə'bɔrətrɪ] n
environ. laboratórium
 English thesaurus
laboratories abbr.
abbr., biol. labs
Laboratories for
: 13 phrases in 4 subjects
Health care4
Materials science1
Research and development2