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gen. ぶっ通し; 打っ通し; 常時; 連綿; 脈脈; 脈々
| drilling
comp., MS 詳細表示
| rate
gen. レート
| logger
comp., MS ロガー
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
adj-t adv-to continuous | adj-t adv-to [kən'tɪnjuəs] adj.
gen. 連綿; 脈脈; 脈々; 綿綿; 綿々
continuous [kən'tɪnjuəs] adj.
gen. 常時 news1 nf12; 持続性 (ぢぞくせい) Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko) ; 稽留 Life Science Dictionary (Shuji Kaneko)
construct. 一体 (いったい); 連続 (renzoku)
adj-na continuous | adj-na [kən'tɪnjuəs] adj.
gen. 継続的 news1 nf14; 持続的 news1 nf18; 連続的
adj-no continuous | adj-no [kən'tɪnjuəs] adj.
gen. ぶっ通し; 打っ通し
adj-f continuous | adj-f [kən'tɪnjuəs] adj.
gen. 絶えざる
adj-i continuous | adj-i [kən'tɪnjuəs] adj.
gen. 絶え間ない
continuous quantity [kən'tɪnjuəs] adj.
el.tract. 連続 (renzoku)
: 2 phrases in 1 subject