
Google | Forvo | +
adjective | noun
frantic ['fræntɪk] adj.
gen. 血みどろ; 血塗
n frantic | n ['fræntɪk] adj.
gen. 半狂乱
Frantic ['fræntɪk] adj.
titles フランティック (film)
adj-na n uk yoji frantic | adj-na n uk yoji ['fræntɪk] adj.
gen. 我武者羅
adj-na adj-no frantic | adj-na adj-no ['fræntɪk] adj.
gen. 必死 ichi1 news1 nf05
adj-i frantic | adj-i ['fræntɪk] adj.
gen. 物狂おしい
 English thesaurus
FRANTIC ['fræntɪk] abbr.
abbr., oil formal reliability analysis including normal testing, inspection and checking
frantic ['fræntɪk] n
gen. marked by fast and nervous, disordered, or anxiety-driven activity (...made a frantic search for the lost child • frantic cries for help)
mean.2 conducted in a hurried, excited, and disorganized way (frantic attempts to resuscitate the girl lexico.com); extremely hurried and using a lot of energy, but not very organized (syn.: hectic: I spent three frantic days trying to get everything ready. • Despite our frantic efforts, we were unable to save the boy’s life. • There was a frantic rush to escape from the building. ldoceonline.com)