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scout [skaut] n
ed. skaut (skautliku poisteorganisatsiooni liige (7-9aastane noorliige on hundu), см. skautlus)
 English thesaurus
scout [skaut] n
mil., abbr. sct
mil., logist. Collect intelligence without engaging fight in order to participate in the close security of a force. (FRA)
SCOUT [skaut] abbr.
abbr. Stock Control Order Unit Tracing; Stupid Comics Of Unnecessary Trivia; Such a Continuably Outgoing Unified Terror
abbr., el. surveillance and control of the undersea transmission system
abbr., IT Suspense Control, Oversight, Utilization, and Tracking system; surface-controlled oxide unipolar transistor
abbr., mil., avia. surveillance collection observation unit
abbr., scottish Short-range Combined Observation, Uncooled Thermal
abbr., vet.med., med. A German Shorthaired Pointer dog type
invest. shared currency option under tender
mil. signature classification of underwater targets
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects