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comp., MS ümbris
econ. konteiner
with | a r
comp., MS MR
esistant inner | liner
mater.sc. mech.eng. vooderdis
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to phrases
container [kən'teɪnə] n
comp., MS ümbris (A directory object that can contain other directory objects. In Active Directory, the schema definition of each object class determines the types of objects that can be containers of instances of the class)
econ. konteiner
container A large case that can be transported by truck and than easily loaded on a ship [kən'teɪnə] n
environ. konteiner
 English thesaurus
container [kən'teɪnə] abbr.
abbr. ctr (Tiny Tony)
abbr., logist. ctr (в экспортной декларации Bobb)
abbr., mil. contnr; contr
abbr., polym. cntr
mil., abbr. co; ctnr; ctr
mil., logist. Standardized metallic box used for the transport and storage of logistic assets, permitting their multimodal transport without having to change the packaging. (FRA); Packing containing an envelop and straps, permitting the conditioning, transport and dropping of various types of loads. (FRA)
USA An article of transport equipment that meets American National Standards Institute/International Organization for Standardization standards that is designed to facilitate and optimize the carriage of goods by one or more modes of transportation without intermediate handling of the contents (JP 4-01)
container with a
: 1 phrase in 1 subject