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Security mission
 security mission
gen. julgeolekuülesanne
| or
comp., MS VÕI
| measure
account. mõõtmine
comp., MS mõõt
ed. meede
consisting in systematically observing | space
comp., MS Kosmiline
comp., MS Veebiruumid
comp., MS veebiruum; asend
| land
environ. maa
| air
environ. õhk
| sea
environ. meri
surfaces | and
comp., MS NING
underwater | areas
comp., MS ala
| places
comp., MS Kohad
| people
comp., MS Inimesed
| or
comp., MS VÕI
| objects
comp., MS objekt
using visual | acoustic
environ. akustika
| electronic
comp., MS Elektrooniline
photographic | or
comp., MS VÕI
| other
comp., MS Muud
| means
math. keskmine
in | order
fin. tehingukorraldus
| to
forestr. liimima
detect any enemy | activity
ed. aktiivsus
at a | location
math. asend
in a | direction
comp., MS juhised
| or
comp., MS VÕI
| area
comp., MS ala
in | order
fin. tehingukorraldus
| to
forestr. liimima
| alert
comp., MS teavitama
| and
comp., MS NING
| to
forestr. liimima
| collect
environ. met. kogumine
| information
math. informatsioon
2 | Mission
gen. tööreis
for the air defense artillery consisting in taking part in the | detection
environ. avastamine
| identification
comp., MS ID
| and
comp., MS NING
| information
math. informatsioon
| collection
comp., MS kogum
on the | air
environ. õhk
| activity
ed. aktiivsus
in a given | air space
 air space
econ. õhuruum
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
security mission
gen. julgeolekuülesanne
Security mission
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects