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Audit evidence
 audit evidence
account. auditi tõendusmaterjal
is relevant if | it
ed. informaatika
pertains | to
forestr. liimima
the audit objectives | and
comp., MS NING
has a logical | relationship
comp., MS Seos
comp., MS seos
econ. sugulus
| to
forestr. liimima
the | findings
transp. avia. puudus
| and
comp., MS NING
| conclusions
ed. järeldus
| it
ed. informaatika
is used to | support
math. jaotuse kandja
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
audit evidence
account. auditi tõendusmaterjal
 English thesaurus
audit evidence
IT The information used to support the audit opinion
Audit evidence
: 5 phrases in 1 subject