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aquifer ['ækwɪfə] n
environ. waterhoudende grondlaag; watervoerende laag
environ., engl. aquifer n
life.sc., min.prod., agric. waterhoudende aardlaag; waterhoudende laag; waterlaag
aquifer Layers of rock, sand or gravel that can absorb water and allow it to flow. An aquifer acts as a groundwater reservoir when the underlying rock is impermeable. This may be tapped by wells for domestic, agricultural or industrial use. A serious environmental problem arises when the aquifer is contaminated by the seepage of sewage or toxins from waste dumps. If the groundwater in coastal areas is over-used salt water can seep into the aquifer n
environ. watervoerende laag
aquifer: 18 phrases in 5 subjects
Life sciences12
Materials science3