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commun. P+

abbreviation | adjective | to phrases
P+ abbr.
commun. P+
 English thesaurus
P [pi:] abbr.
abbr., bank. key parity
abbr., genet. parent generation
abbr., mech.eng. pickled
abbr., med. permeability coefficient; Pro
abbr., met. petroleum
abbr., mil., air.def. peak value
abbr., mil., avia. aiming point
abbr., physiol. progesterone
p [pi:] abbr.
abbr., auto. passenger car; pattern select switch; people carrier; pickup; ply; power mode; power train; profile; shift position switch
abbr., econ. professional
P. abbr.
abbr., econ. port
p [pi:] abbr.
abbr., econ. pence
abbr., genet. promoter; promotor
p. abbr.
abbr., econ. price
abbr., oil pillar; pressure per unit area
abbr., scient. per; population
P+ abbr.
abbr., auto. pressure
p⁻ abbr.
abbr., genet. petite colony
P [pi:] abbr.
abbr. Part; Please; Paddy; parking (надпись на дорожном знаке Wiana); passenger; pastor; patchy; patent; personnel; pipeline; plan; plastic; polarity; polypropylene; president; priest; prince; propose; purple; Predicted Pictures (MPEG); Receive Sequence Number of packet (PLP; R); Send Sequence Number of packet (PLP; S); combined hormonal contraceptive patch; absolute pressure; electric power; inorganic phosphate; load; Pacific (Ocean); Periodical Progress Report; periscope; persistent; Peso; phonogram; piece; pilotless plane; Poland; Polish; polar air mass; posterior; press; printed; printing paper; Progress Report; stress; vapour pressure; parental generation; panmictic index
abbr., agric. parent; periodical; pelleted; plague
abbr., automat. probe
abbr., avia. Prohibited Area (MichaelBurov); prohibited area; angular velocity of body-axis system about X-axis; power loading; absolute humidity; fluid density; parallax; partially replaces; paste; payload; pedal; pink; pitot; plotting; pod; pounds; present; procedure; products; production; protocol; public; probability of occurrence
abbr., biochem. prostaglandin
abbr., biol. parental; pectoral; RBC/P (MichaelBurov); parents; perianth; premolar; proline
abbr., busin. pack; partnership; passed; payee; penalty; penicillin; per; perch; perishable; permanent; person; post office; postage; postal service; preliminary; price; provisional; purchase; purchaser; purchasing
abbr., cartogr. pebbles; pond; post (and telegraph office); pier; post (office); pump
abbr., chem. phenolphthalein
abbr., chem., scient. Plus
abbr., commer. pataca; Philippine peso; pula; par; peseta; piastre
abbr., construct. percent of reinforcement; planed
abbr., dril. parallel
abbr., earth.sc. concentration by weight; microperthite; Pacific; Palaeocene; Paleocene; palaeozoic; paleozoic; pallasite; pantellerite; parachor; paramagnetic; parietal; pelecypoda; pelmatozoa; penetration; Pennsylvanian; periclase; peridotite; perigon; perimeter; peritectic; permeability; perthite; petrology; phenocryst; phenylalanine; phlogopite; phon; phyllite; pinnacle zone; pinpoint; plagioclase; planetology; plessite; Pliocene; plutonic; polar distance; porphyrite; porphyroblastic; pressure per unit area; prime; primordial; programme; prospect; protoenstatite; proto-orbicule; pseudobrookite; pulaskite; pumice; pumpellyite; pure; pyritic
abbr., econ. partial pay
abbr., ed., scient. Party
abbr., el. peak (value); packaging; parity flag; passable; perceptron; perfect; performance; peripheral; perpendicular; personal; phone patch; phosphide; predicted picture; printer; process; processor; producer; profit; property; plasma; polynomial
abbr., el., scient. Potential
abbr., electr.eng. primary
abbr., electric. primary winding
abbr., file.ext. Applause picture Graphics file; Pascal language source code file; Rea-C-Time application parameter file (ReaGeniX code generator)
abbr., food.serv. phosphorus
abbr., footb. penalty in progress (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., footwear resistance against penetration (специальное обозначение Yuriy83)
abbr., insur. partial loss
abbr., IT Print; punch; perforation; plug; primary
abbr., lab.eq. Phosphorus
abbr., math. pseudoscalar
abbr., mech.eng. pedestal
abbr., med. An Electrocardiographic Wave Corresponding To A Wave Of Depolarization Crossing The Atria; partial (pressure); phosphoric (residue); para (obstetric history); 1 first parental generation; near point; parenteral; Pasteurella; pelvis; Peptococcus; percentile; Pharmacopeia; phosphoric acid (ester); phosphate in polynucleotide symbolism; radioactive phosphorus; pink-eyed-dilution; plaque; population; porcelain; Pott's shunt; practitioner; presbyopia; Presbyterian; preservation; A partial pressure alveolar carbon dioxide; properdin; propranolol; protein; Proteus; Pseudomonas; pulmonale
abbr., med., conv.notation. short arm of a chromosome
abbr., med., lat. pater; post partum; primipara
abbr., media. Page
abbr., meteorol. permeance
abbr., mil. Physical; parallel pattern; priority; publication; percussion fuze
abbr., mining. pillar; power; porosity; proportional limit
abbr., O&G, sakh. Pleistocene; poise (measure of absolute viscosity; 1 P = 1 g per m-sec and cP is 1 g per cm-sec or 0.01 P)
abbr., oil wave slowness; compressional wave; packstone; pseudo; cumulative produced; dipole movement/volume; mean; particle; pinched; polarization; pore; pound; production time; proximity log; salinity; P-wave; pair; papers; parity; penny; percussion drilling; Permian; persulfate; phenanthrene; Philippines Peso; phosphate; physics; pile; pillow; pin; pipe; polymer; poor; positive; precipitation; printer; prism; producing; product; Profusulinella; proppant; proprietary; propionate; propylene; protest; pulse; pumping; pyrite; pyrobitumen; pyroxene
abbr., opt. peta-; poise
abbr., pharm. pharmacy only medicine (препарат, подлежащий продаже только в аптеке Dimpassy)
abbr., phys. electric dipole moment; electric polarization; impulse; momentum
abbr., physiol., med. Post
abbr., polit. Primary
abbr., polym. plate; point; proceedings; programming; part; pattern; polar
abbr., relig. Protestant
abbr., scottish Civil aircraft marking (Korea, North); Palubnyi (Shipborne (Russia)); Papa (phonetic alphabet)
abbr., soil. plane
abbr., sport. Point
abbr., tech. potencia; power plant
abbr., telecom. poll bit
abbr., transp. Planning
abbr., typogr. paper over board
abbr., work.fl. posting
el. 1015
energ.ind., abbr. cumulative probability distribution function; parameter; partial pressure; peta-; phosphorus; pico-; power density; power input to heat pump plant; total pressure
invest., abbr. put option
meteorol., abbr. air pressure; ambient air pressure; average power; panel; paved; pilot; piston-engined aircraft; polar; position; practice; primary frequency; private aerodrome; probability; proposed departure; prototype; static pressure
mil. park; protection
mil., abbr. pad; pamphlet; panel; paper; pass; patient; patrol; pay; paymaster; percussion; period; photo; pilot; pilotless; pistol; planning; platoon; pointed; poison; police; position; practical; practice; private; probability; proficiency; program; prohibited; project; propulsion; prototype; purchased
O&G, abbr. proportional band; proportional term
railw., abbr. pitch
tech. pebble
tech., abbr. peta; pico; precipitation treating; propagation constant; proposal; proton
therm.eng., abbr. power; pump
p [pi:] abbr.
abbr. page; past; pharmacopoeia; port (Vosoni)
P. abbr.
abbr. Pacific Reporter; phon
p [pi:] abbr.
abbr., busin. paragraph; pole
P. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. concentration by weight; pass; pebble; periodical; persistent; pipe; proton
abbr., econ. Peso
p [pi:] abbr.
abbr., el. pico-
P. abbr.
abbr., lat. Pater (Pere, "Father"); Pax ("peace"); Pius ("dutiful"); Plus ("more"); Ponendum ("to be placed"); Pridie ("the day before"); Publius (a common Roman forename)
abbr., mech.eng. threads per inch
p [pi:] abbr.
abbr., med. after; pupil; optic papilla; probation; proximum
abbr., med., fr. petit
P. abbr.
abbr., met. period; & S. pig-and-scrap process; Pickled
abbr., mining. pole; perch; productivity index
p [pi:] abbr.
abbr., oil British xylonite plastics
agric. portable
chess.term. pawn
econ. personal estate
gram. participle
P. abbr.
law plaintiff; presidential
law, abbr. patent; penalty; presidency; president; prisoner of war; prosecution; protest; provisional
p [pi:] abbr.
polym. pint; pressure
spectr. pentet (сокращение, принятое при характеристике спектра ЯМР (синоним - quintet). В отечественной практике функционирует аналогичное сокращение - "кв" (квинтет) Min$draV)
stat. p-value (Баян)
p. abbr.
abbr. page; pages (Vosoni); parole; past (tense Vosoni)
abbr., bus.styl. penny/pence
abbr., dril. pint; pitch; poor; power
abbr., earth.sc. plate; poise
abbr., gram. participle (http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/p-_1?showCookiePolicy=true ssn); part. (ssn)
abbr., libr. paper; press; piece; printed; publication
abbr., sport. pitcher
construct. pressure
lat. Pagina ("page")
met. peak
mining. part
offic. premise (igisheva)
polym. para
P- abbr.
abbr. Pilot; Polar
abbr., chem. primary
abbr., earth.sc. para-
abbr., met. Pickled
abbr., unit.meas. peta- (igisheva)
P/ abbr.
abbr., busin. profit and loss
P.А. abbr.
abbr., libr. Publishers’ Association; Press agency; purchasing agent
P/ abbr.
abbr., oil pumping; pumping; pumped
P* abbr.
abbr. Pending Inactive
μP abbr.
abbr. micropoise
В/P abbr.
abbr., bus.styl. bill payable; bills payable
P+ abbr.
abbr., commun. P+
P* abbr.
abbr., ed., scient. Prodigy
abbr., inet. French kiss
В/P abbr.
abbr., libr. blueprint
μP abbr.
abbr., med. microprocessor
P% abbr.
abbr., busin. pour cent
P.P abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. page; pages
n. p. abbr.
abbr., econ. net proceeds
PAN-AL [pi:] abbr.
abbr., el. copolymer of acrylonitrile and allylcyanide
PVMS [pi:] abbr.
abbr., el. polyvinylmethylsiloxane
p.a. abbr.
abbr., expl. picric acid
P$*! abbr.
abbr., IT Punch Obscenity
PJ [pi:] abbr.
abbr., math., scient. The Price of J
ΔP abbr.
abbr., med. chest differential pressure; suit-to-ambient differential pressure
P2d [pi:] abbr.
USA Pacific Reporter, Second Series
abbr. hospitable (Isaev)
P‰ abbr.
abbr., busin. pour mille
PMMA-ItA [pi:] abbr.
abbr., el. copolymers of itaconic acid with methyl methacrylate
μp abbr.
abbr., el. hole mobility
PE [pi:] abbr.
abbr., math., scient. The Perimeter of E
PMAA-G-EG [pi:] abbr.
abbr., med. Poly (methacrylic Acid-grafted-poly (ethylene Glycol))
p- abbr.
abbr., med. para
σp abbr.
abbr., met. limit of proportionality
P.& abbr.
abbr., met. 0. pig-and-ore process
∂P abbr.
abbr., progr. differentiable programming (Alex_Odeychuk)
: 394 phrases in 34 subjects
Antennas and waveguides8
Book binding8
Earth sciences4
Energy industry4
Food industry2
Health care19
Information technology11
Life sciences3
Materials science5
Mechanic engineering8
Municipal planning1
Natural sciences1
Obsolete / dated2
Pharmacy and pharmacology3