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MPS abbr.
abbr. Master Production Schedule; Miles Per Second; "Modern Power Systems"; Mad Passionate Sex; Maritime Prepositioned Ships; Mask Procurement Specification; Master Personnel System; Managed Print Services (vlad-and-slav); muscle protein synthesis (синтез мышечного протеина YNell); Material Product System (Vosoni); material products system; Maximum Pensionable Salary; Media And Product Survey; Megabytes Per Second; Message Processing Shelter; Meteorological Profiler System; meters per second; Methanol Perceptible Solids; Methanol Precipitable Solids; Metro Police Squad; miles per second; miscellaneous pipe support (eternalduck); Missouri Public Service; Move Pen Somewhere; Multi Players Supported; MultiPage Signal (Fax); multiple parallel synthesis (алешаBG); MultiProcessor Specification (SMP, Intel); Multipurpose Spectrometer Facility; Music Publishers Singapore
abbr., adv. mail preference service
abbr., auto. motor parts stock
abbr., automat. manual programming system; Machine Protection System (ixtra)
abbr., avia. master production schedule (scheduling); main propulsion sub system; maintenance processor sub system; maintenance programs subcommittee; manufacturing priority schedule; master planning schedule; master program sheet; material planning study; material processing system; maximum performance specifications; micro processor system; minimum performance property standard; mission payload subsystems; mission performance standard; mission planning systems; mixed propellant system; motor pump system; multiplex power supply; Managed Print Services
abbr., BrE master pilot's certificate
abbr., combust. medium-pressure steam (igisheva)
abbr., comp., net. microprocessor system; multiprocessing specification; multiprocessor system
abbr., comp., net., IT Mailing Preference Service
abbr., ed., scient. Mathematical And Physical Sciences
abbr., el. Matsushita pressure sensitive (diode); metal-polymer-silicon (structure); macroprocessing system; maintenance processor subsystem; massively parallel system; mass production system; master production scheduling; measurement processor subsystem; memory protection system; merged p-i-n/Schottky (rectifier structure); messages per second; microprogram store; microwave phase shifter; mission planning subsystem; mixed phosphor screen; mobile phone service; mobile positioning system; model processing system; modular power supply; modular pulse source; momentary pushbutton switch; monitor power saver; multiprotocol over ATM server; multilayer periodic structure; multiple path sensitization; multiple phase-shifting; multiple priority system; multipriority system; MPOA server
abbr., electr.eng. main protective system
abbr., file.ext. Multiprocessor Specification
abbr., fin. System of Material Product Balances
abbr., food.ind. Mucilaginous Poly Saccharide
abbr., genet. meiosis prevention substance
abbr., geophys. Multi-Point Statistics (ixtra)
abbr., immunol. mononuclear phagocyte system
abbr., IT Multi Processor Specification; microprogramming system; multipage signal; multiprogramming system; Master Production Schedul (ing); Mini Publishing System
abbr., karate. minimum performance specification
abbr., lab.eq. Malaria Parasite Smear
abbr., manag. master production schedule (ssn)
abbr., med. Hereditary Giant Platelet Syndrome; Meconium Plug Syndrome; Medical Products Sales (periodical); Medical Protection Society; Member Of The Pharmaceutical Society; Michigan Psychoanalytic Society; Montreal Platelet Syndrome; Myeloproliferative Syndromes; Myofascial Pain Syndrome; chronic myofascial pain (MichaelBurov); CMP syndrome (MichaelBurov); myofascial pain dysfunctional syndrome (MichaelBurov); CMP (MichaelBurov); mean pruritus score (ННатальЯ); myocardial perfusion scintigraphy (grafleonov); myofascial pain syndrome (Andrey Truhachev); macrophage phagocytic system; movement-produced stimuli; mucopolysaccharide; mucopolysaccharidosis; multiphasic screening
abbr., mil. Maritime Pre-Positioning Ships; Maritime Prepositioning Ship; Military Postal Service; Mission Payload Subsystem; Mission Planning Station; Mobile Profiler System; Modular Power System; Tactical MPS; Military Performance Specification (qwarty); Mission Planning System; maritime pre-positioning ship; message processor shelter
abbr., mil., air.def. message processing subsystem; microprocessor; minimum peak sidelobe code
abbr., mil., avia. main propulsion subsystem; main propulsion system
abbr., nucl.pow. missing pellet surface (Boris54)
abbr., oil mild plow steel
abbr., oil.proc. M,P&S (MichaelBurov); M,P&S employees (MichaelBurov); Management, Professional & Staff (MichaelBurov); main pumping station (Yerkwantai); Management, Professional and Staff (MichaelBurov); Management, Professional and Staff employees (MichaelBurov); Management, Professional, and Staff personnel (MichaelBurov); personnel whose employment function includes developing and executing management plans, professional assignments such as engineers, accountants, or physicians, and supervisory personnel (MichaelBurov)
abbr., physiol., med. Multiple Personality Syndrome; Myofacial Pain Syndrome
abbr., police Metropolitan Police Service or the Met (for law enforcement in Greater London Val_Ships)
abbr., polygr. managed print services (ivanraskum)
abbr., polym. methyl pentachlorostearate
abbr., progr., IT Mathematical Programming System; Microsoft Proxy Server
abbr., proj.manag. motivating potential score
abbr., scottish Maritime Prepositioning Ships (USA); Micro Processor Systems A/S (Norway); Military Postal System; Mixed-Propellant System; Motor Pump Set; Multiple Protective Shelter / Structure
abbr., shipb. manufacturing plan list; manufacturing process specifications
abbr., st.exch. Marginal Propensity To Save; Modis Professional Services, Inc.
abbr., tech. magnetic particle spectroscopy (jamaliya); Manufacturing Procedure Specification (технические условия на технологию изготовления r0a73); mission preparation section
abbr., transp. Mazda Performance Series
abbr., UN Military Planning Service (Nu Zdravstvuy)
Apollo-Soyuz module pressurization system
biochem. Mucopolysaccharides
energ.ind. microprocessor -based system; model power system; modern power system
mil. main payload subsystem; main propulsion system; manpower system; maritime prepositioning ship; maritime prepositioning squadron; master packaging sheet; master program schedule; materiel planning study; message processing system; military planning staff; military police station; military production specifications; mission payload system; mission preparation sheet; mobile power station; modular printing system; multiple protective shelters; multipurpose ship
tech. median period of survival; minimum performance specifications; monitoring and protection system; multipurpose sampler; proton synchrotron machine division
MP [ˌempiː'θriː] abbr.
abbr. method of payment (oVoD)
abbr., histol. muscularis propria (мышечная оболочка кишки doc090)
abbr., med. Medium Portly (тип телосложения (антропометрия) Ying)
abbr., pathol. mesenteric panniculitis (igisheva)
abbr., phys. Modulation Parameter (iwona)
abbr., police Missed person (or Missing person Val_Ships)
abbr., post Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (USPS two-letter abbreviation for the CNMI Ying)
abbr., sport. military press (армейский жим eugeene1979)
mps abbr.
abbr. millipoise; meter per second; metres per second (Vosoni)
MPs abbr.
abbr., oncol. micropapillary patterns (igisheva)
oncol. micropapillary patterns (igisheva)
Mps abbr.
abbr., el. megabits per second
Mp [ˌempiː'θriː] abbr.
abbr., phys. proton rest mass
MPS abbr.
abbr. microprocessor series; machine programming system; medium power standard; military production specification; multiphasic chemical screening
abbr., avia. main propulsion system; master program sheet or master production schedule; material and process specifications; megacycle per second
abbr., busin. manufacturing plan sheet; manufacturing process specification
abbr., earth.sc. multiple plate samplers
abbr., genet. massive parallel sequencing (Natalya Rovina)
abbr., industr. Main Pump Station (Sagoto)
abbr., IT multiple partition support; multiple port sharing; multiprocessing system
abbr., oil main power switch; maser production schedule; megacycles per second; meter pulse sender; microwave pressure sounder; microwave pulse source; middle pressure steam; minimum path set; Minimum Property Standards; modified polystyrene; molecular photoelectron spectroscopy; multi-purpose ship; multi-purpose submersible
abbr., space main propulsion system [stage]; management planning system; master program system; material processing specification; materials processing in space; materials processing system; minimum property standard; multiparticle spectrometer; multiple protective structure
abbr., textile manufacturer's part specification
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects
Health care4
Information technology1