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commun. taccheggiare
comp., MS sovrimpressione
industr. construct. overlay; rivestimento di pannello
industr. construct. chem. velo di superficie
nat.sc. agric. cotone dei letti; micelio in superficie
textile sovrapporre
transp. el. construct. rifacimento
industr. construct. met. incamiciatura
| registration
comp., MS registrazione
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | adjective | to phrases
overlay ['əuvə'leɪ] n
industr., construct. overlay m
nat.sc., agric. cotone dei letti
overlay ['əuvə'leɪ] v
commun. taccheggiare
textile sovrapporre
overlaying v
industr., construct., met. incamiciatura
overlays v
IT, dat.proc. segmento di ricopertura
overlay ['əuvə'leɪ] adj.
commun. tacco; taccheggio
comp., MS sovrimpressione (A UI or media segment that can display on top of or play concurrently with another UI or media segment)
ed., industr., construct. lucido
el. sovrapposizione
industr., construct. rivestimento di pannello; ricoprimento
industr., construct., chem. velo di superficie
IT segmento di sovrapposizione; segmento sovrapposto; copertura; ricopertura; segnale sovvraposto
nat.sc., agric. micelio in superficie
transp., el., construct. rifacimento
 English thesaurus
overlay ['əuvə'leɪ] abbr.
abbr., IT ovly
jewl. A decorative technique which involves two separate pieces of metal. Each piece, which is usually hammered flat, receives different treatments to produce the look. The top piece is sculpted or cut into a specific design and the bottom piece is darkened th
Overlay ['əuvə'leɪ] abbr.
abbr. O
: 54 phrases in 11 subjects
Earth sciences1
Information technology30
Pharmacy and pharmacology1