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gen. montatura
agric. cotica erbosa; piota
industr. construct. stuoia; feltro; armatura natté
transp. tappetino
| cutting
earth.sc. trincea

noun | noun | abbreviation | to phrases
mat ['mɑ:teɪ] n
gen. montatura f
agric. cotica erbosa; piota f
industr., construct. stuoia f; feltro m; armatura natté
transp. tappetino m
wood. materasso m
 English thesaurus
Mat. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. mathematical
MAT ['mɑ:teɪ] abbr.
abbr. Machine Automation Tools; Minimum Alternate Tax; Model Action Talk; Moderation Assurance And Tranquility; M1 Abrams Tank (Alex Lilo); MAC Address Translation (Alex Lilo); Machine-Assisted Translation (Alex Lilo); Maintenance Access Terminal (Alex Lilo); Maintenance and Administration Terminal (Alex Lilo); Maintenance Augmentation Team (Alex Lilo); Maintenance Tape (Alex Lilo); Major Area Team (Alex Lilo); Male Annihilation Technique (fruit flies control Alex Lilo); Man About Town (Alex Lilo); Management Aptitude Test (Alex Lilo); Management Assistance Team (Alex Lilo); Management, Administrative, and Technological (Alex Lilo); Manual Angle Tracking (Alex Lilo); Map Administration Tool (Alex Lilo); Maryland Accessible Telecommunications Program (Alex Lilo); Master Automotive Technician (Alex Lilo); Masters in the Art of Teaching (Alex Lilo); Material/Materiel (Alex Lilo); Material/Mine Assembly Team (Alex Lilo); Materials Management (Alex Lilo); Mathematics (Alex Lilo); Matte (Alex Lilo); Maximum Attainable Throughput (Alex Lilo); Mean Annual Temperature (Alex Lilo); Measurement of Atmosphere Turbulence; Measurement of Atmospheric Turbulence; Media Access Time (Alex Lilo); Medical Analysis Tool (Alex Lilo); Medical Association of Thailand (Alex Lilo); Medication Administration Technician (Alex Lilo); Medium Assault Transport; Memory Acceleration Technology (Alex Lilo); Meridian Administration Tool (Alex Lilo); Metropolitan Achievement Test (Alex Lilo); Metropolitan Area Transit (Alex Lilo); Metropolitan Area Trunks (Alex Lilo); Michigan Association of Timbermen (Alex Lilo); Microdyne Automated Terminal (Alex Lilo); Microscopic Agglutination Test (Alex Lilo); Military Air Traffic (Alex Lilo); Miller Analysis Test (Alex Lilo); Minimal Aggregate Traffic (Alex Lilo); Mission Applications Tool (Alex Lilo); Mission Area Team (Alex Lilo); Mixed Air Temperature (HVAC systems Alex Lilo); Mobile Access Terminal (Alex Lilo); Mobile Aeronautical Telemetry (Alex Lilo); Mobile Agent Technology (Alex Lilo); Modular Administration Tool; Modular Alarm Transmitter (Alex Lilo); Monitoring, Analysis and Testing (Alex Lilo); Monthly Average Treasury (Alex Lilo); Moscow Art Theater (Alex Lilo); Moscow Arts Theatre (Alex Lilo); Most Appreciated Team; Movement Area Training (Alex Lilo); Moving Treasuries Average (Alex Lilo); Mu Alpha Theta (national high school and junior college mathematics club for honors students Alex Lilo); Multi Axis Trainer (Alex Lilo); Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia (type of supra ventricular arrhythmia Alex Lilo); Multiple Access Transponder (Alex Lilo); Municipal Association of Tasmania (Alex Lilo); Muscle Activation Technique (Alex Lilo); Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques (Alex Lilo)
abbr., AI. Medial Axis Transform
abbr., auto. manifold air temperature; manual automatic transmission; master automobile technician
abbr., automat. manufacturing automation technology
abbr., avia. maintenance alert time; material acceptance test; mission analysis team; multi-purpose access terminal
abbr., cardiol. multi-focal atrial tachycardia (MichaelBurov); multifocal atrial tachycardia (MichaelBurov)
abbr., chem. micro activity testing (катализаторов shikisai)
abbr., dat.proc. machine-assisted translation
abbr., ed., scient. Miller Analogies Test
abbr., el. master acceptance test; match; maximum access time; memory access time; metropolitan area trunk; microwave antenna tower; modular assembly technique; multimedia access terminal; multiple access test; multiple access time
abbr., file.ext. Matrix data file (Matlab); Micro Alloy Transistor; Table shortcut (MS Access)
abbr., histol. Marrow adipose tissue (iwona)
abbr., immunol. microagglutination technique
abbr., insur. marine, aviation and transport
abbr., IT Machine Assisted Translation; Multiply And Add To; machine-aided translation; microalloy transistor
abbr., law Marijuana Action Team
abbr., ling. machine assisted translation (Artjaazz)
abbr., math., scient. Multi Auto Transformation
abbr., med. multi-focal atrial tachycardia (Vosoni)
abbr., med.appl. Acquisition matrix (Sagoto)
abbr., mil. medical analysis tool; Minimum Activity Tour; Mobile Advisory Team; Mobilization Assistance Team; Module Acceptance Test
abbr., mil., avia. magnetic tape address table
abbr., nautic. mine assembly team; Matadi, Congo (Kinshasa)
abbr., phys., scient. Manifold Air Temperature
abbr., physiol., med. Maternal; Medication Administration Training
abbr., pow.el. micro-alloy transistor
abbr., progr., IT Multimedia Authoring Tool
abbr., Russia Moscow Art Theatre (igisheva)
abbr., scient. Master of Arts in Teaching; Moist Acidic Tundra
abbr., scottish Marksman Advanced Trainer; Modular Advanced Test; Multi-Arms Trainer
abbr., st.exch. Mattel, Inc.; Moving Average Treasury
abbr., transp. Marine Aviation Transport; Morehead Area Transit
airports, avia. Matadi, Congo
comp. mean acquisition time
mil. mechanical aptitude test; military advisory team; military air transport; military aircraft types; missile acceptance team; missile acceptance tests; missile adapter tester; missile, antitank; mobile aerial target; mobile arming tower; mobile assistance team; multiple address telegram
tech. management advisory team; memory address test; memory address translator
mat ['mɑ:teɪ] abbr.
abbr. material; materiel; matrix
abbr., adv. matt
abbr., med. maternal origin
inf. matinee; matter; maturity
Mat. abbr.
abbr., securit. matured
invest. maturity
lat. Matutinum (Matins Breviary)
mat. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. matter
abbr., math. matrix
polym. material
MAT ['mɑ:teɪ] abbr.
abbr. military airplane type; Military Air Traffic Center; Moving Annual Total
abbr., avia. message acknowledge time; multidrop access trunk
abbr., busin. matured
abbr., clin.trial. moving annual trend (iwona)
abbr., earth.sc. map archival tape; mean areal temperature; Mid Atlantic trough; minimum alternative tax
abbr., med. mammary ascites tumor (ННатальЯ)
abbr., oil machine analysis table; mechanical assembly technique; methanol-acetone-toluene; microactivity testing; microreactor activity test; Mid-Atlantic trough; middle axis transform; modular allocation technique; more active tetragonal
abbr., pharm. Monocyte Activation Test (испытание на активацию моноцитов CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
abbr., space meteorological atmospheric turbulence; microwave arcjet thruster; missile acceptance test; modification approval test
: 136 phrases in 21 subjects
Antennas and waveguides1
Hobbies and pastimes1
Information technology2
Mechanic engineering4
Municipal planning5
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation3
Natural sciences3
Textile industry1
Thermal Energy1
Wood processing6