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gen. verga di nocciolo
commun. el. funzionare
comp., MS passare; cambia; interruttore
industr. construct. interruttore
IT deviatore
mun.plan. treccia
nat.sc. agric. nappa
transp. tech. construct. telaio degli aghi
| Port
comp., MS convertire
| Analyzer
IT analizzatore
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | to phrases
switch [swɪʧ] n
commun. levetta f
comp., MS opzione m (In operating systems such as MS-DOS, an argument used to control the execution of a command or an application, typically starting with a slash character (/))
transp., tech., construct. deviatoio m; scambio m
switch [swɪʧ] v
gen. verga di nocciolo; commutare
agric. fiocco della coda
CNC inseritore; sezionatore
commun. pulsante; diodo di commutazione
commun., IT centralina
comp., MS passare (To change the modality of a conversation from, say, voice call to video, starting from a pop-up notification); cambia (To change the modality of a conversation from, say, voice call to video, starting from a pop-up notification); interruttore (A circuit element that has two states, on and off)
econ. compensazione triangolare
econ., engl. switch
el. contattore
el.mach. commutatore
industr., construct. interruttore
IT deviatore
mun.plan. treccia
nat.sc., agric. nappa
railw., sec.sys. ago
transp., tech., construct. telaio degli aghi
switching ['swɪʧɪŋ] v
mech.eng. manovra di scambio
med. commutazione
transp. servizio di manovra; manovra
transp., mil., grnd.forc. smistamento
to switch [swɪʧ] v
commun., el. funzionare
el. innestare; allacciare; collegare
mechanical switch [swɪʧ] v
PSP interruttore di manovra meccanico
switch circuit [swɪʧ] v
telegr. centrale a commutazione di circuito
switch in a switching network [swɪʧ] v
telecom. organo di selezione
switch message [swɪʧ] v
telegr. centrale a commutazione di messaggio
 English thesaurus
switches n
IT Typically associated as a data link layer device, switches enable local area network LAN segments to be created and interconnected, which has the added benefit of reducing collision domains in Ethernet-based networks.
switch [swɪʧ] abbr.
abbr. switchblade knife
abbr., electr.eng. three-pole; sw&d
abbr., IT sw
mil., logist. The switch allows one to connect pieces of equipment or concentrators to the remaining part of the network and it makes the road to direct the data towards the network section where the intended piece of equipment is located. In this way, it allows one to better manage the data flow than the concentrator does. (FRA)
SWiTCH [swɪʧ] v
med. Stroke With Transfusions Changing to Hydroxyurea (iwona)
SWITCH [swɪʧ] abbr.
abbr., chem., scient. Sulphur
Switch Port
: 1 phrase in 1 subject
Information technology1