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agric. plantula
comp., MS impostare
fish.farm. pescata; cala
footwear inserire
industr. construct. tagliolo; constenza del filo
IT dat.proc. configurare
scient. insieme
transp. construct. rifiuto
made | of
gen. di
| various
gen. vario
infrastucture | formations
industr. construct. sagomatura
belonging to | a
gen. a
| same
gen. medesimo
| service
comp., MS servizio
| with
gen. con
| complementary
law complementare
| activities
textile potenza
taking part | in
gen. dentro
| same
gen. medesimo
| mission
gen. missione
| and
gen. e
| under
gen. sotto
| the
fin. agenzia gestita da terzi
| command
commun. comando
of a | single
gen. individuale
| authority
fin. autorità
| of
gen. di
| that
gen. che
| service
comp., MS servizio
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

noun | verb | abbreviation | to phrases
set [set] n
gen. indurimento m; solidificazione m; assortimento m
agric. plantula; promessa di raccolto; piantone m; astone m; piantina f
agric., industr., construct. deformazioni da tensioni interne
astr. tramontare; mettere a punto
automat. deformazione m; mettere ad uno; settare
CNC, meas.inst. predisporre
coal., industr., construct. quadro m
comp., MS impostare m (To establish a particular condition, such as setting tab stops, setting a counter to 0, or setting a breakpoint)
fish.farm. pescata f; cala f; calata f
industr., construct. tagliolo m; constenza del filo
industr., construct., mech.eng. sporgenza laterale
libr. serie f
life.sc., agric. talea f
meas.inst. prestabilire
mech.eng. attrezzo m; serrare; regolare m; piazzare
med. deformazione plastica; busta f
met. gruppo n; zona d'estrazione; sede d'estrazione; piano di solidificazione; foro di colata; orificio di colata
pack. aderire (adhesives); far presa (adhesives, di colle); stipare (products set in the package, prodotti che comprimono nell’imballaggio)
scient. insieme m
transp., construct. rifiuto m; abbassamento ad ogni colpo
transp., mil., grnd.forc. attivazione f
transp., nautic. traino m; convoglio m
to set [set] n
footwear inserire m
IT posizionare; settare
IT, dat.proc. configurare
met. montare uno stampo
set in television [set] n
radio scenario m
set [set] v
gen. set
mech.eng. accostare; aggiustare; avvicinare; fissare; mettere in posizione; montare
setting ['setɪŋ] v
agric. cantiere
agric., industr., construct. fissaggio della curvatura
footwear posa inserimento
industr., construct. indurimento
industr., construct., met. sigillatura
life.sc. allegagione
met. ristampare
transp., mech.eng. regolazione
transp., nautic., fish.farm. cavetto d'unione
 English thesaurus
SET [set] abbr.
abbr. Secure Electronic Transaction; Set Evaluates Things; setting; simplified engineering technique
abbr., auto. steady-state emissions test; stored energy transmission
abbr., avia. software engineering technology; stored-energy transmission; system effectiveness test
abbr., chem. single-electron transfer
abbr., comp., net. secure electronic transactions
abbr., comp., net., IT Secure Electronic Transactions
abbr., ed., scient. Science Engineering And Technology
abbr., el. selective epitaxial trench (isolation); selective epitaxy transistor; selective telephone; self-extending translator; service evaluation telemetry; single-electron tunneling; software emulated terminal; software engineering terminology; special electronic tool; sputter-etch technique; synchronizing enabling technology; system embedded training; system error tester
abbr., el., scient. Single Electron Tunneling
abbr., file.ext. Setup data or information settings
abbr., IT Configuration Settings; Set Byte On Condition
abbr., karate. single effect transient (вызывается пролетом частиц с высокой энергией nikolkor)
abbr., med. serial endosymbiotic theory; throat sensation
abbr., mil. System Engineering Testbed
abbr., mil., astronaut. satellite earth terminal
abbr., mil., avia. solar energy thermionic conversion system
abbr., nano single electron transfer
abbr., O&G self-erect tender (masizonenko)
abbr., phys. Single Electron Tunnelling (Vosoni)
abbr., phys., scient. Sound Emission Transmission
abbr., relig. Support Empathy Truth
abbr., scient. Safety Environment And Technology
abbr., sec.sys., IT Secure Encryption Technology
abbr., semicond. single-electron transistor
abbr., st.exch. Secure Electronic Trading; Significant Enough Transaction
abbr., tradem. Sony Entertainment Television
abbr., transp. Safe Effective Transport
chem., abbr. settler
energ.ind., abbr. separate effects test; system engineering test
mil., abbr. satellite experimental terminal; security escort team; sensor employment team; sensory evaluation test; simulated emergency test; small earth terminal; special engineering tests; split engine transportation; systems engineering tests
O&G, abbr. setpoint value input terminal; setpoint/setting input
tech. selective employment tax; special evaluation team
tech., abbr. selective electronics training; space electronics and telemetry; stepped electrode transistor; systems effects test
set [set] abbr.
abbr. settlement
cinema An environment used for filming. When used in contrast to location, it refers to one artificially constructed. A set typically is not a complete or accurate replica of the environment as defined by the script, but is carefully constructed to make filming easier but still appear natural when viewed from the camera angle.
O&G settling
.SET n
file.ext. Driver Set (LDC; Lotus 1-2-3); Image Settings (Paradox)
IT application/set
.set n
file.ext. Driver Set (file name extension, Lotus 1-2-3, LDC); Image Settings (file name extension, Paradox)
set. abbr.
abbr., econ. settlement
SET [set] abbr.
abbr., auto. Supplemental Emission Testing (Dinara Makarova)
abbr., commer. Securities Exchange of Thailand
abbr., earth.sc. solar energy thermoionic conversion system; solid Earth tide; standard effective temperature
abbr., fin. Stock Exchange of Thailand
abbr., multimed. secure electronics transactions
abbr., oil single -man escape tower; submarine engineering technology
abbr., space single event transient
abbr., telecom. Secure Electronics Transaction
inet. Secure Electronic Transfer (A safe and confidential way of paying for goods which have been purchased over the Internet. Безопасный и конфиденциальный способ оплаты за товары, которые были приобретены через Интернет. Interex)
Set made of
: 1 phrase in 1 subject