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risk assessment
 risk assessment
gen. vurdering af risiko
environ. risikovurdering
| process
comp., MS Proces
comp., MS proces
industr. proces
mech.eng. bearbejde; bearbejde
- only individual words found (there may be no translations for some thesaurus entries in the bilingual dictionary)

to phrases
risk assessment
gen. vurdering af risiko
social.sc. risikovurdering
risk assessment The qualitative and quantitative evaluation performed in an effort to define the risk posed to human health and/or the environment by an action or by the presence or use of a specific substance or pollutant
environ. risikovurdering
 English thesaurus
risk assessment
IT A process used to identify and evaluate risk and its potential effects (Risk assessments are used to identify those items or areas that present the highest risk, vulnerability or exposure to the enterprise for inclusion in the IS annual audit plan. Risk assessments are also used to manage the project delivery and project benefit risk)
mil., logist. Operation consisting in separating the various leads based on movement and behavior criteria. (FRA)
USA The identification and assessment of hazards (JP 3-07.2; first two steps of risk management process)
risk assessment
: 41 phrases in 12 subjects
Health care3
Immigration and citizenship1
Pharmacy and pharmacology3