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mss abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. massive
abbr., O&G meters (Johnny Bravo)
publish. manuscripts (MichaelBurov)
gen. MSS (Johnny Bravo); magnetostrictive sensor system (Johnny Bravo)
abbr. Marymount Secondary School; Maximum SAEF Size; Merchant Supply Services; Message Switching System; Miles Sound System; Multilateration Surveillance System; Multiple Sclerosis Society; manned space system; Manufacturer's Standardization Society (A Hun); Maximum Segment Size TCP/IP, see also >; Message Support Subsystem; MIMOLA Software System (MIMOLA); Minimum SEGMENT SIZE; Minnesota State Statute (AMlingua); Mission-Management Support System; Mobile Satellite Systems; Moored Sonobuoy System; Multiple Selling Service; ManuScriptS; Mass Storage System
abbr., astronaut. Mobile Servicing System (Canada); multispectral scanner Landsat
abbr., automat. manufacturing software system; Manufacturing Standardization Society; manufacturing supervisory system
abbr., avia. Massena, New York USA; maintenance service system; maintenance status system; management science system; management system study; master schedule system; master system schedule; mechanical support systems; microwave signal source; mid spar station; military supply standard; missile supply system; missile system software; mission software services; mission status summary
abbr., bank. Markets & Securities Services (Ying)
abbr., comp., net. MAN switching system; mass storage system
abbr., el. multiprotocol switched services; MAC switching system; mail storage server; maintenance support subsystem; manufacturing software series; maritime satellite service; market statistics service (report); mass storage subsystem; master-slave synchronization; master-slave system; master specification; measurement standard sensitive; metropolitan switching system; mobile service satellite; mobile subscriber station; mobile support station; modular storage server; multimedia station solution; multimedia system service; multi-spectral seeker; multi-spectral sensor
abbr., electr.eng. medium scale system
abbr., file.ext. Manuscript text file (Perfect Writer - Scribble - MINCE - Jove)
abbr., intell. Ministry for State Security (агентурный сленг hizman); Ministry of State Security (агентурный сленг hizman)
abbr., IT Manuscript text file; Memory Stack Segment; Minimum Segment Size
abbr., med. Marinesco-Sjögren Syndrome; Marshall-Smith Syndrome; Medical Superintendents' Society
abbr., med., dis. Manchester Scar Scale (ННатальЯ)
abbr., media. Music Setting Service
abbr., meteorol. Meteorological Service Singapore
abbr., mil. Marine Scout Snipers; Measurement And Stimulus Subsystems; Mission Support System; Multi Spectral Scanner; Microwave Surveillance System; Mine Search System (Army); Modular Sleep System (rusputin); Multi-Spectral Scanner; medical surveillance system; meteorological satellite subsystem
abbr., mil., air.def. maximum sonar speed
abbr., mil., avia. maintenance depot
abbr., mil., WMD Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry
abbr., mol.gen. microsatellite stable (Игорь_2006)
abbr., nautic., scient. Management Support System
abbr., O&G, sakh. magnetic single shot inclinometer; Manufacturers Standartization Society
abbr., oil Manufacturers Standardization Society; manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fitting Industry; Manufacturers Standardization Society of Valve and Fittings Industry; multi shot survey (andrushin)
abbr., oncol. microsatellite stability (Rada0414)
abbr., opt. multispectral scanner
abbr., org.name. Headquarters and Field Security Unit
abbr., physiol. Motion Sickness Susceptibility; Mucus-Stimulating Substance; Multi-Sensory Stimulation; Musculo-Skeletal System
abbr., polym. modulation Stark spectroscopy
abbr., post Maintenance Selection System
abbr., progr., IT Maximum Segment Size
abbr., psychol. Multidimensional Scale of Sexuality (Elmitera)
abbr., refrig. minimum stable signal
abbr., rem.sens. multispectral scanner subsystem
abbr., scottish Medical Supply Section; Miniature Surveillance System; Ministry of State Security, China; Missile Support Subsystem; Mobile Satellite System; Mobile Subscriber Equipment System; Motion Sensing Subsystem; Multispectral / Spin Scanner; Multistatic Sonar System
abbr., sec.sys., IT Managed Security Services
abbr., semicond. modulated semiconductor structure
abbr., st.exch. Measurement Specialties, Inc.
abbr., tech. mode select switches; mode select switch
abbr., telecom. Mobile Switching Center Server (triumfov)
abbr., tradem. Main Street Savings
abbr., transp. Motor Surveillance Service
comp. mobile satellite service; multiple satellite system
ecol. multispectral sensor
el. Multispectral Scaling; Multispectral Scanning
mil. main support structure; maintenance and supply squadron; maintenance support schedule; management systems study; manual safety switch; master simulation system; master surveillance station; medical service school; medical service squadron; medical support system; message switching station; military security service; military supply standards; missile security squadron; missile select switch; missile stabilization system; missile storage structure; missile subsystem; mission simulator system; mission support site; mission support system; mobile service structure; mobility subsystem; modular space station; munitions support squadron; Specialized Minesweeper
O&G management support services
tech. main steam system; management systems section; manned space station; midcourse surveillance system; mission system software; mixed spectrum superheater; modified scram system; modular sonar system; moored surveillance system; multispectral scanner system
MSS. abbr.
abbr. manuscripts
Mss abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. mono-sulfide solid solution
MSS abbr.
abbr. Manufacturers' Standardization Society of Valve and Fittings Industry; Mineralogical Society of Scotland; minesweeper, special device
abbr., avia. Multi-sensor Surveillance Syste (система наблюдения наземной обстановки в аэропорту nikolkor); Multi-sensor Surveillance System (система наблюдения воздушной и наземной обстановки в аэропорту nikolkor); mobile servicing system
abbr., busin. messages
abbr., dril. multiple shot survey
abbr., earth.sc. magnetic susceptibility; mapping and survey system; Marine Survey Service; maximum sustained speed; median size of sediment; message-switching system; military survey service; multispectral sensing
abbr., econ. Market Support Services (Marinade)
abbr., med. moderate systemic symptoms (Есенжан)
abbr., oil Marshall mooring support system; maritime surveillance system; medium size of sediment; medium survey ship; microwave survey system; minisonic separometer surfactant; mode selection switch; mode shape survey; modular surface sensors; mud sample source; multi-shot survey; multispectral scanners; multistage separation
abbr., space magnetic storm satellite; missile safety set; missile sight subsystem; mission sequence system; mission specialist station; mobile satellite services; mode selector switch; multi-satellite system
abbr., well.contr. magnetic single shot
MSS abbr.
abbr., telecom. mobile satellite service (spanishru)
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