
   English Danish
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IT at forvrænge
transp. øjeblikkelig start
| type
gen. bogtryktyper; typer til typografi
commun. løs type
comp., MS skrive
fin. tax. konstruktion
law tech. type
| distribution system
 distribution system
el. fordelingssystem

noun | verb | to phrases
scramble ['skræmb(ə)l] n
transp. øjeblikkelig start
to scramble n
IT at forvrænge
scrambling ['skræmblɪŋ] v
commun. forvrængning; kryptering
 English thesaurus
scramble ['skræmb(ə)l] n
mil., avia. to take off quickly in response to an alert (of an interceptor fighter aircraft merriam-webster.com)
Scramble: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
Information technology4
Municipal planning1