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water crossingstresses
electr.eng. переход ЛЭП через водную преграду
mining. прокладка трубопровода через водное препятствие
tech. переход через водную преграду; переправа через водную преграду (Gaist); пересечение с водной преградой (twinkie)
water crossings
O&G, sakh. переходы водных преград
 English thesaurus
water crossing
mil., logist. Tactical operation within the framework of an operation and aiming at having a group of forces cross from one bank of the river to the other. 2. Phase of a maneuver which aims at having a group of forces cross from one bank of the river to the other, when the infrastructure bridges are totally or partly out of service or non-existent. One distinguishes: 1. autonomous crossings made with amphibious or submerged assets, or by ford; 2. crossing by discontinuous assets: ferries and rafts; 3. crossing by continuous assets: assault or contingency bridges. (FRA); The location along a water obstacle where the crossing can be made using amphibious vehicles, assault boats, rafts, bridges or fording vehicles. (FRA)
water crossing
: 26 phrases in 6 subjects