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gen. наработанный (Alexander Demidov); классический (recognized as reliable; found to be successful? Select a couple of ingredients and add them to a tried-and-tested recipe of your own. Example Sentences Including "tried-and-tested" He's not the tried-and-tested secret agent, and he's not a secret agent by way of being top of the class. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2002) However, Josiah's brother chose to stick to his father's tried-and-tested , if rather unimaginative, methods. Brian Dolan JOSIAH WEDGWOOD: ENTREPRENEUR TO THE ENLIGHTENMENT (2004) In keeping with my tried-and-tested method of convention coverage, I watched it on TV 1,200 miles away in Florida. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2004) While developing new products carries a high risk of failure, sticking with the tried-and-tested involves a high risk of competition. BUSINESS TODAY (1997). Collins Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг отлаженный; хорошо себя показавший
inf. прошедший обкатку временем (Alex_Odeychuk)
tried and tested
gen. проверенный на практике (tried and tested/trusted used many times before and proved to be successful • I'll give you my mother's tried and tested recipe for wholemeal bread. CALD. known to be good or effective a tried and tested way of getting food stains out of clothing. MED Alexander Demidov); опробованный и испытанный (Alexander Demidov); апробированный на практике (Putin stuck to tried and tested means of addressing critics' concerns in his speech to the thousands of delegates gathered in the stadium. TG Alexander Demidov); наработанный (used by many people and proved to be effective They ran a highly successful advertising campaign using a tried and tested formula. Most people would prefer to stick to tried and true methods of birth control. Alex Lilo); проверенный (Alex Lilo); верный (Alex Lilo); хорошо себя зарекомендовавший (Alex Lilo); испытанный на практике (Alex Lilo); отработанный (Alex Lilo)
scient. прошедший практическую апробацию (Alex_Odeychuk); прошедший апробацию на практике (Alex_Odeychuk)
: 10 phrases in 3 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development4