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gen. срок давности истёк (The term "time-bar" refers to a bar to a legal claim that arises from the lapse of a defined length of time. Time barred means barred by the passage of time under a statute of limitations, statute of repose, or procedural rule. Asaula)
busin. со сроком давности
law с пропущенным сроком давности ("Some of the new evidence has been time-barred and therefore has never, and may never, be heard on its merits by any court." The Huffington Post: Amnesty International: Kevin Keith and the Witness Who Wasn't There. "The judge rejected motions by the defendant banks that the revised lawsuit failed to state a claim and the allegations were time-barred." The Wall Street Journal: Municipal Derivatives Bid-Rigging Case Can Proceed. "Inasmuch as this action was commenced in May 2001, the Appellate Division erred in holding that plaintiff's cause of action alleging legal malpractice was time-barred." Personal Injury. "Accordingly, the Court concluded that the claim should be dismissed as time-barred since the plaintiff failed to purchase a new index number and instead used the index number from the prior special proceedings, thus failing to comply with the commencement-by-filing system." New York Civil Procedure. Wordnik Alexander Demidov); погашенный давностью
time bar
gen. временная шкала (Inchionette)
el. барьер времени
law временные ограничения (Исп. в договорах на строительство Ad ex Ander); срок давности (cyruss)
police истекать (о сроке давности: You realize, if no progress is made very soon on these cases, we'll be time-barred from proceeding with prosecution? cnlweb)
: 4 phrases in 4 subjects
Maritime law & Law of the Sea1
Quality control and standards1