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the very samestresses
gen. тот самый; точно такой же; он оно же; то же самое (exact same Val_Ships); именно тот самый (one: the very same thrillers that flop in theaters become video hits Val_Ships); он самый (slitely_mad); она самая (slitely_mad); точно тот же самый (I was born on the very same day that my father died. Val_Ships); именно тот; в точности (he used the very same words as I had – он в точности повторил мои слова); этот самый (in this very same cave Val_Ships); тот же самый; тот же самый (I was born on the very same day that my father died. Val_Ships)
inf. именно тот самый (the very same thrillers that flop in theaters become video hits Val_Ships)
the very same
: 25 phrases in 4 subjects
Bookish / literary1