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the boonies [ˈbuːnɪz]stresses
inf. кулички (live in the boonies – жить на куличках: way out in the boonies • People live in the boonies but they expect transit service like they are in Kits or Coal Harbour. Haha!  ART Vancouver)
n.amer., slang сельская местность (Artjaazz); глубинка ([US, informal, disapproval] boondocks; hinterland // 1. wild, desolate, or uninhabitable country 2. a remote rural or provincial area : Why do you live out here in the boonies? Liv Bliss); село (сельская местность Artjaazz)
slang изолированное место; изолированное пространство; огороженное место
 English thesaurus
the boonies [ˈbuːnɪz]
n.amer. the boondocks ([US, informal, disapproval] 'More)
the boonies
: 11 phrases in 6 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Humorous / Jocular1