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take at face valuestresses
at face value
gen. принимать за чистую монету
fig. не стать подвергать сомнению (The committee took the report at face value and approved the suggested changes. 4uzhoj); безоговорочно верить (These results should not be taken at face value. joyand); принять за чистую монету (I took the offer at face value. I didn't think they might be trying to trick me.); воспринимать так, как оно есть (Val_Ships); поверить безоговорочно (Val_Ships); принимать всерьёз (He means what he says. You have to take him at face value. Val_Ships); воспринимать буквально (You shouldn't always take his remarks at face value. Taras); воспринять буквально (Taras); принимать на веру
fig., inf. воспринимать в лоб (4uzhoj)
literal., obs. принять по номиналу
Игорь Миг, fig. принимать, не раздумывая; поверить на слово
take something at face value
gen. слепо верить (Something that is taken/accepted at face value is regarded as true or genuine without being questioned or doubted. After all his lying, nothing he says now should be taken at face value. [=accepted as true]. MWALD Alexander Demidov)
 English thesaurus
take someone or something at face value
fig. accept as true or genuine without being questioned or doubted (After all his lying, nothing he says now should be taken at face value. merriam-webster.com); to accept something as it appears to be rather than studying it more closely (I took the offer at face value. I didn't think they might be trying to trick me. cambridge.org); to accept a situation or accept what someone says, without thinking there may be a hidden meaning (You shouldn’t always take his remarks at face value. • Because Kate, for all her faults real and imagined, was the only person ever to take him at face value. ldoceonline.com); accept as presented, without question or further investigation (Our parents’ generation seems neither able nor interested in understanding how marketers exploit them. They take shopping at face value. wiktionary.org); to accept or trust someone or something based only on an initial or superficial presentation, without taking further proof, verification, or investigation into account (I've learned never to take corporate PR statements at face value. • It's hard to take Jeff at face value when he's been caught lying in the past. thefreedictionary.com)
take someone at face value
fig. to accept the impression that someone gives of themselves, even though this may be completely false (For a time I took him at face value. At that time, I had no reason to suspect him. collinsdictionary.com)
take at face value
: 19 phrases in 6 subjects
Obsolete / dated1