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subrogation ['sʌbrə'geɪʃ(ə)n] nstresses
gen. суброгация (документ, оформляющий передачу страхователем застрахованному, уплатившему страховое возмещение, прав на взыскание ущерба с третьих (виновных) лиц или иное распоряжение грузом (его частью) в пределах уплаченной суммы); переход к страховщику, выплачивающему страховое возмещение, права требования к лицу, ответственному за убытки, возмещаемые в результате страхования (An insurance process whereby a company that has paid out to a policyholder for a loss incurred recovers the amount of the loss from the party that is legally liable. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary. The principle that, having paid a claim, an insurer has the right to take over any other methods the policyholder may have for obtaining compensation for the same event. For example, if a neighbour is responsible for breaking a person's window and an insurance claim is paid for the repair, the insurers may, if they wish, take over the policyholder's legal right to claim the cost of repair from the neighbour. OB&M Alexander Demidov); определение (на чьё место)
audit. переход к страховщику прав страхователя на возмещение ущерба (The substitution of one person in the place of another with reference to a lawful claim, demand, or right, so that he or she who is substituted succeeds to the rights of the other in relation to the debt or claim, and its rights, remedies, or Securities. There are two types of subrogation: legal and conventional. Legal subrogation arises by operation of law, whereas conventional subrogation is a result of a contract. The purpose of subrogation is to compel the ultimate payment of a debt by the party who, in Equity and good conscience, should pay it. This subrogation is an equitable device used to avoid injustice. Legal subrogation takes place as a matter of equity, with or without an agreement. The right of legal subrogation can be either modified or extinguished through a contractual agreement. It cannot be used to displace a contract agreed upon by the parties. Conventional subrogation arises when one individual satisfies the debt of another as a result of a contractual agreement that provides that any claims or liens that exist as security for the debt be kept alive for the benefit of the party who pays the debt. It is necessary that the agreement be supported by consideration; however, it does not have to be in writing and can be either express or implied. West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008); переход к страховщику прав страхователя на возмещение ущерба
busin. переход прав в порядке суброгации; переход прав страхователя к страховщику после уплаты последним страхового вознаграждения (assuming the legal rights of a person for whom expenses or a debt has been paid. Typically, subrogation occurs when an insurance company which pays its insured client for injuries and losses then sues the party which the injured person contends caused the damages to him/her. Example: Fred Farmer negligently builds a bonfire which gets out of control and starts a grass fire which spreads to Ned Neighbor's barn. Good Hands Insurance Co. has insured the barn, pays Neighbor his estimated cost of reconstruction of the barn, and then sues Farmer for that amount. Farmer will have all the "defenses" to the insurance company's suit that he would have had against Neighbor, including the contention that the cost of repairing the barn was less than Neighbor was paid or that Neighbor negligently got in the way of firefighters trying to put out the grass fire. law.com); переход прав страхователя к страховщику после уплаты последним страхового вознаграждения
construct. переуступка страхователем своих прав страховщику при условии возмещения последним убытков
insur. переход прав страхователя к страховщику (после уплаты последним страхового возмещения); переход права требования к лицу, возместившему вред или понёсшему убытки (обычно к страховщику или гаранту); суброгация (замена одного кредитора другим); переход к страховщику прав страхователя на возмещение ущерба _суброгация_ (Alexander Matytsin)
law суброгация; замена одного кредитора другим; перемена лиц в обязательстве (ГК РФ, ч. I, Глава 24. ПЕРЕМЕНА ЛИЦ В ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬСТВЕ Alexander Matytsin); переход прав (Andrey Truhachev)
mar.law суброгация (замещение одного лица другим в отношении исковых прав); переход прав страхователя к страховщику (после уплаты последним страхового вознаграждения)
nautic. замена
oil передача права
subrogation: 46 phrases in 11 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Maritime law & Law of the Sea1
Notarial practice2