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steep bankstresses
Gruzovik яр
avia. большой крен
dial. крутояр
Gruzovik, geogr. обрывистый берег
Gruzovik, geol. крутояр
hydrol. крутой берег реки (of a river or a stream: It was at this point I knew something wasn’t right. Nobody goes down to that stream, even during the day, because the banks are so steep. And if you did start up the bank in the pitch darkness, you’d need a flashlight to look for handholds. There wasn’t one, so I wondered if it was a big deer that had gone down looking for a drink. (vashonloop.com) ART Vancouver)
seism. крутой берег
tech. глубокий крен
transp. крутой подъём (дороги)
steep bank
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects