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skuzz bucketstresses
slang отвратительный человек (сленг 60-х гг. A dirty, nasty person, place, or thing. By extension, a contemptible, despicable person; a scumbag.: I got stuck next to a total scuzzbucket/scuzzbag on the train ride home. He smelled like rotten eggs! || I don't trust a thing that scuzzbucket/scuzzbag says! collegia); нечто отвратительное (сленг 60-х гг. A dirty, nasty person, place, or thing. By extension, a contemptible, despicable person; a scumbag.: I got stuck next to a total scuzzbucket/scuzzbag on the train ride home. He smelled like rotten eggs! || I don't trust a thing that scuzzbucket/scuzzbag says! collegia)