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ratchet upstresses
gen. увеличивать (напр., pressure – давление on – на кого-либо Alexander Demidov); расширять (Aly19); углублять (Aly19); повышаться (особ. необратимо Aly19); эскалироваться (Taras); усиливать (н-р, давление: After months of ratcheting up pressure on Vladimir Putin, concern is mounting in Berlin and other European capitals that an emboldened Ukraine's military successes in the east are reducing the chances of a face-saving way out of the crisis for the Russian leader. 4uzhoj); наращивать (cognachennessy); расти (Aly19); набирать обороты (YudinMS); ужесточить (The "Obamacare" health reform law ratcheted up the requirements for the compliance programs that these entities must implement. Or, alternatively, as requirements are ratcheted up, fewer students will make it to graduation. Alexander Demidov); накаляться (Gold Gains, Stocks Lose As D.C. Rhetoric Ratchets Up. VLZ_58); усилить (...an attempt to ratchet up the pressure • He fears inflation will ratchet up as the year ends. • Western sanctions were imposed on Russia after it annexed Ukraine's Crimea peninsula in 2014. They were ratcheted up – targeting many close associates of Mr Putin – when the Russian military bolstered pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine. • The health department has ratcheted up efforts to prevent or slow down the spread of swine flu in schools. Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг усугублять; усугубить
Makarov. неуклонно увеличиваться; постепенно увеличивать; неуклонно возрастать
ratcheting up
Игорь Миг рост; усиление; усиливающийся; увеличивающийся
ratchet up
: 21 phrases in 9 subjects
Figure of speech1
Foreign policy5
Mass media1
Risk Management1
Textile industry1