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play devil's advocatestresses
gen. брать на себя роль оппонента (в ходе дискуссии, чтобы всесторонне обсудить рассматриваемый вопрос: Tom is always playing devil's advocate in any given conversation because he loves picking apart other people's arguments. Val_Ships); побыть адвокатом дьявола (I don't think he was really in favour of getting rid of the scheme, he was just playing devil's advocate. • I agree with Tom on the subject, but let me play devil's advocate and say that the other side has some good points. • But let me play devil's advocate for a minute: what are we trying to accomplish with articles like the one today in the New York Times? • Mary offered to play devil's advocate and argue against our case so that we would find out any flaws in it. 4uzhoj)
cleric., hist. играть роль адвоката дьявола (4uzhoj)
context. усомниться
explan. отстаивать на первый взгляд неправильную точку зрения, чтобы проверить на прочность противоположную (WiseSnake)
play devil 's advocate
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