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gen. физическая культура (Physical fitness comprises two related concepts: general fitness (a state of health and well-being), and specific fitness (a task-oriented definition based on the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations). Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutrition, exercise, hygiene and rest. Wiki. the degree to which one is healthy and strong "Are you paying attention to physical fitness or has your preoccupation with equipment made you ignore that aspect? EDMONTON SUN (2003) . Collins. physical fitness, combined good health and physical development. The object of any program of physical fitness is to maximize an individual's health, strength, endurance, and skill relative to age, sex, body build, and physiology. These ends can only be realized through conscientious regulation of e... Found on Types of physical fitness Physical fitness is a general concept and is defined in many ways by different scientists. Physical fitness is discussed here in two major categories: health-related physical fitness and motor-performance physical fitness. Despite some overlap between these classifications, there are major differences, as described below. Britannica infoplease.com Alexander Demidov); физическая подготовка (fddhhdot)
adv. физическая подтянутость
avia., med. годность по состоянию здоровья; физическая при годность
ed. физкультура (из американского документа об образовании arturmoz)
Gruzovik, mil. натренированность
health. хорошее физическое состояние (In response to a listener in California who asked how he could return to his former good health and physical fitness, Fuchs recommended focusing on digestive health and again suggested cutting out sugar and carbohydrates. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
med. физическая пригодность (напр., к военной службе); физическое здоровье (Russian-english psychology dictionary > физическое здоровье academic.ru Andrey Truhachev); физическая подготовленность; показатель годности по состоянию здоровья; индекс годности по состоянию здоровья
mil. физическая подготовка
mining. физическое развитие (показатель при профотборе на работу в подземных условиях)
OHS способность к физическому усилию; уровень физического развития; способность к осуществлению мышечных физических усилий; способность к преодолению физической нагрузки
psychol. физическая годность
scub. физическая форма
sport. физическое состояние
physical fitness
: 46 phrases in 14 subjects
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United States1
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