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open-minded ['əupən'maɪndɪd]stresses
gen. широких взглядов; ментально открытый к новому; прогрессивных взглядов (4uzhoj); непредубеждённый; непредвзятый; прямодушный; восприимчивый; справедливый; открытый всему новому (4uzhoj); открытый новым идеям (KiraMisa); прогрессивный (в некоторых контекстах – в противоположность консервативному 4uzhoj); без предрассудков (в некоторых контекстах: The Republic of Kazantip "gives shelter" only to the most open minded people without any complexes and taboo. 4uzhoj); без комплексов (в некоторых контекстах: I'd really like to find some open-minded girls for chat and flirting fun. 4uzhoj); открытый к новым идеям (Баян); открытый для новых идей (willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus): I am open-minded on that. • I have seen a flying object which I could not identify. It flew like nothing I had seen before or since. Don't know if it was from another solar system or top secret from here. I am open minded. (dailymail.co.uk) ART Vancouver); готовый выслушать мнения, отличные от своего (willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus): I am open-minded on that.• I have seen a flying object which I could not identify. It flew like nothing I had seen before or since. Don't know if it was from another solar system or top secret from here. I am open minded. (dailymail.co.uk) ART Vancouver); готовый прислушаться к взглядам, отличным от своего (willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus): I am open-minded on that.• I have seen a flying object which I could not identify. It flew like nothing I had seen before or since. Don't know if it was from another solar system or top secret from here. I am open minded. (dailymail.co.uk) ART Vancouver); открытый к новым идеям (willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus): I am open-minded on that. • I have seen a flying object which I could not identify. It flew like nothing I had seen before or since. Don't know if it was from another solar system or top secret from here. I am open minded. (dailymail.co.uk) ART Vancouver); готовый прислушаться к взглядам, отличным от своего (willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus): I am open-minded on that. ART Vancouver)
dipl. с широким кругозором; неконсервативный
uncom. отзывчивый к новым идеям (VLZ_58)
open minded ['ǝʊpn'maɪndɪd]
gen. широких взглядов; незашоренный (loon); непредвзятый; непредубеждённый; восприимчивый
open mind
gen. способность к непредубеждённым суждениям (Olena81); разоткровенничаться
Makarov. непредубеждённый ум
psychol. способность к рассуждениям на основе здравого смысла (Alex_Odeychuk)
open someone's mind
gen. раскрыть душу; избавлять от предубеждений (Ремедиос_П)
 English thesaurus
Open Minded ['ǝʊpn'maɪndɪd]
busin., abbr. OM
Open Mind
chat., abbr. OM
: 78 phrases in 13 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Quotes and aphorisms1