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on the bubblestresses
humor. беременная (For some reason the game that we were actually playing when he called was one thought up by Helen. It was one in which you have to think of all the different words to describe being pregnant. "Up the pole," shouted Anna. "On the bubble," screeched Helen. "Expecting," muttered Mum, torn between disapproval and the desire to win. Андрей Шагин)
inf. в рискованной ситуации (chronik); находиться под угрозой The new bond issue now appears to be on the bubble, with support eroding. (VLZ_58); идти в гору (He's on the bubble. VLZ_58)
sport. быть на волоске (The Knights had been on the bubble for the tournament, but played their way in by winning their last five games. VLZ_58); находиться в неопределённой ситуации (VLZ_58)
on the bubble
: 7 phrases in 4 subjects