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legislative draftingstresses
gen. подготовка нормативных правовых актов (The terms "legislative drafting" and "bill drafting" are commonly used to describe simply the act of writing legislation. Used more accurately, however, they describe the entire process of taking raw ideas, refining them and developing the language to carry them out, and then organizing that language so as to achieve the sponsor's objective exactly–a process in which analysis and perspective are immeasurably more important than style. The final product must address any problems, omissions, and ambiguities that may have existed in the sponsor's original proposal or that may subsequently arise as a result of refinements in the sponsor's policy. It must be cast in language that is clear, consistent, legally effective, technically sound, administrable, enforceable, and constitutional; is correct in form ... Alexander Demidov)
law законотворчество (see, for example, europa.eu D Cassidy)
legislative drafting
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