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legal relationshipstresses
adv. правоотношения (United Kingdom labour law involves the legal relationship between workers, employers and trade unions. WK Alexander Demidov)
busin. законное родство
law родство, признанное законом; свойство; правоотношение (Yet those who do will tell you of the immense advantage of having attorneys who are aware of new developments, connected nationwide with colleagues representing similar agencies, and are knowledgeable about the complex legal relationships between federal, state and local agencies. A one-of-its kind conference for human service agency attorneys by Policy & Practice Tiller, who runs one of the few clinics in the United States that provides late-term abortions, is charged with having an illegal financial and legal relationship with a physician who gave him second opinions required for the procedure. Kansas abortion doctor now on trial was top target by AFP / AFP American Edition Adoption The concept of adoption refers to the act by which an adult formally become the guardian of a child and thus incurs the rights and responsibilities that come with being a parent It is a formal legal process in which a legal relationship between a child and guardian is formed Family Law? Adoption Is It Right for You? by Jannelle Zawaideh / Family and marriage community Alexander Demidov); правовые отношения
notar. юридическое отношение
legal relationships
mar.law правоотношения
legal relationship: 21 phrases in 6 subjects
Alternative dispute resolution1
Notarial practice5
Real estate1