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leave holding the bagstresses
gen. покинуть кого-либо в беде; свалить на кого-либо ответственность
Игорь Миг оставить у разбитого корыта
idiom. оставить при пиковом интересе (Баян); оставить с носом (Баян); переложить вину (на) кого-либо george serebryakov); сделать крайним (george serebryakov); перевести стрелки (george serebryakov); оставить в дураках ("Take your hand off me!" "Sure, just relax," Wade said. "I have a good idea, Doctor. Why don't you see a good doctor?" Somebody laughed loudly. Loring tensed like an animal all set to spring. Wade sensed it and neatly turned his back and moved away. Which left Dr. Loring holding the bag. If he went after Wade, he would look sillier than he looked now. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); поставить в глупое, смешное положение ("Take your hand off me!" "Sure, just relax," Wade said. "I have a good idea, Doctor. Why don't you see a good doctor?" Somebody laughed loudly. Loring tensed like an animal all set to spring. Wade sensed it and neatly turned his back and moved away. Which left Dr. Loring holding the bag. If he went after Wade, he would look sillier than he looked now. There was nothing for him to do but leave, and he did it. (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); свалить всю ответственность на кого-л. (If you are left holding the bag, you are put in a situation where you are responsible for something, often in an unfair way because other people fail or refuse to take responsibility for it. (Collins Dictionary): Long-time followers of Vancouver politics might recall that Millennium was the developer behind Olympic Village. Millennium went bankrupt when Fortress Credit Corporation exited the project and left the City of Vancouver holding the bag. At CityHallWatch we weighed in with our piece: ‘Billion dollar boondoggle? City manager lets Millennium off the hook for $1 billion mortgage.’ The full rationale for these financial dealings have never been adequately explained to the public. (cityhallwatch.wordpress.com) • Любимая женская забава?... свалить всю ответственность на козла... При этом этот козел должен еще и за всё заплатить!))) (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
leave sb. holding the bag
gen. водить за нос; оставить с носом; свалить на кого-л. ответственность; сделать крайним
leave someone holding the bag
inf. оставить с носом
Makarov. покинуть кого-либо в беде; свалить на кого-либо ответственность; свалить на кого-либо ответственность