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gen. земельные платежи (The Land Charges Act 1972 is a UK Act of Parliament that updates the system for registering charges on unregistered land in England and Wales. WK Alexander Demidov); обременения незарегистрированного участка (third party rights affecting unregistered land that require to be registered in the Land Charges Register in order to bind purchasers for value of that land. Included in the categories of land charges are restrictive covenants, equitable easements, estate contracts, mortgages not protected by the deposit of title deeds and the right of a deserted spouse to remain in the matrimonial home. Additionally, local authorities in England and Wales are required to keep a Register of Local Land Charges in which are to be entered details of local authority charges, planning charges and the like, which, when registered, bind successive owners of the land. Local land charges affect registered as well as unregistered land. Collins Dictionary of Law Alexander Demidov)
busin. налог с земельной собственности; земельный налог
law земельные обязательства (вообще, не только финансовые, долговые и т.п., могут носить самый разный характер gov.uk aht)
land charge
ecol. плата за землю
law налог с недвижимости; налог с земельной собственности
Makarov. оценка земли
land charges
: 19 phrases in 7 subjects
British usage, not spelling2
Real estate1