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just like thatstresses
gen. без малейшего труда; спросту; в один миг (And just like that, all the money I had earned was gone when I lost the bet. 4uzhoj); вот так запросто (without any hesitation: I can't believe that he agreed to lend me the money just like that! hoone); вот так просто (4uzhoj); раз и все (4uzhoj); не моргнув глазом (without any hesitation: It's sad to see how people can lie to you, just like that. • She insulted you, just like that. 4uzhoj); не успел кто-либо и глазом моргнуть (immediately: Just like that, I was in love. 4uzhoj)
fig. на ровном месте (You mean he sent you back just like that? boggler)
Gruzovik, inf. с наскока
idiom. ни с того ни с сего (suddenly and, sometimes, unexpectedly: The alarm went off, just like that. • We were jogging slowly in the park when, just like that, she collapsed. Andrey Truhachev); внезапно (Andrey Truhachev)
inf. наскоками; на раз-два (VLZ_58); бац! (контекстуально Mikhail11); ничтоже сумняшеся; спроста; за здорово живешь; вот так (Andy)
inf., context. только так (Some people try to get out of jury duty by lying. You don't have to lie. Tell the judge the truth. Tell him you'd make a terrific juror because you can spot guilty people just like that! flavorwire.com 4uzhoj)
slang по щелчку пальцев (контекстуально Damirules)
uncom. таковски (ivanraskum)
just like that
: 15 phrases in 4 subjects