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inner markerstresses
aeron. ближний маркёр (ный радиомаяк)
avia. внутренний маркёр; ближний радиомаркёр; ближний приводной радиомаяк (kotechek); внутренний радиомаркер; БПРМ (kotechek); ВиМРМ (Category II ILS approach systems may include a third marker beacon called the inner marker (IM), although these are becoming less common. goldmethod.com Anchovies); внутренний маркерный радиомаяк (Category II ILS approach systems may include a third marker beacon called the inner marker (IM), although these are becoming less common. goldmethod.com Anchovies); внутренний приводной радиомаяк; ближний маркерный маяк
mil., avia. внутренний маркер; ближний маркер; ближний радиомаркер
navig. ближний маркер (в посадочной системе с тремя маркерами)
tech. ближний маркёрный радиомаяк
 English thesaurus
inner marker
avia., amer. A marker beacon used with an instrument landing system ILS CAT II precision approach located between the middle marker and the end of the ILS runway, transmitting a radiation pattern keyed at six dots per second and indicating to the pilot, both aurally and visually, that he/she is at the designated decision height DH, normally 100 ft above the touchdown zone elevation, on the ILS CAT II approach. It also marks progress during a CAT III approach.
Inner Marker
abbr., scottish IM
inner marker
: 16 phrases in 5 subjects
Airports and air traffic control1