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in bad faithstresses
gen. см. тж. mala fide (4uzhoj); со злым умыслом (Andrey Truhachev); с недобрыми намерениями (Andrey Truhachev); с недобросовестными намерениями (4uzhoj); неискренне (murad1993); вероломно; предательски
Игорь Миг нечестным путём; проявляя недобросовестность; с нарушением требований добросовестности; в недобросовестных целях
econ. недобросовестный
law недобросовестно; злонамеренный (Halipupu)
law, court руководствуясь дурными намерениями ("I have no evidence to find [the district's ‘call us first' policy] is irrational or unreasonable or was made in bad faith. There is also no evidence or suggestion that the district failed to act reasonably with respect to its sewer line. I find the district was not negligent," the ruling concluded, dismissing Granger's claims. nsnews.com ART Vancouver); злонамеренно (A friend of mine was renting a place. The landlord told them they will be moving in so he needs to vacate the property. Generally in Ontario, a tenant can be kicked out if a landlord will be moving in. My friend didn’t believe the landlord and thought he just wanted him out to relist and increase rent. So he dug into the rules and found out that a corporation owns the property, not an individual. And in order for the tenant to be kicked out for a landlord to move in, the landlord has to be an individual (not a corporation). So he refused and the landlord wasn’t able to do anything. Lesson for landlords: You shouldn’t act in bad faith but separately, be aware of operational considerations, not just tax considerations when buying a rental property. Lesson for tenants: Be aware of your rights. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
 English thesaurus
in bad faith
gen. mala fide (4uzhoj)
in bad faith
: 6 phrases in 2 subjects