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ice maidenstresses
gen. красивая, но холодная женщина (heartsease); недотрога ("Is Gilberte a flirt, or an ice maiden, or a worthy object of reverence? She is all three, depending on who you are, and what you want." – The New Yorker Magazine, 2000 ART Vancouver)
ice maidens
gen. недотроги (a beautiful but aloof woman. CED. pejorative. A coolly composed, unemotional woman; a woman without affection or warmth of feeling. I don't know how Janet can go out with an ice maiden like Mary. Many see the prime minister as some kind of ice maiden, but I think she's just being as tough as she needs to be. TFD. A girl who acts cold hearted and bitchy towards all guys. Which sometimes is a turn-on for guys looking for a challenge or can be intimidating for guys who can't handle her personality. Ice maiden are also girls who believe they are the elite. They often are mistaken to not have a heart, but their icy exterior hides their sweet, caring side. Ice maidens are generally hot girls who are misunderstood with their outside persona. To put a ice maiden in her place say something like this: "That ice maiden shit might intimidate the hell out of some guys, but it doesn't mean shit to me." UD Alexander Demidov)
ice maiden
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects