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hotel industrystresses
gen. гостиничный бизнес (the branch of the services industry which provides hotels Example Sentences Including "hotel industry" HANI was for many years the public face of Ulster's hotel industry. BELFAST TELEGRAPH (2004) Heaven forbid that our hotel industry should be trying to be all things to all men. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2002) Like so many others in his home town he had been brought up to work in the luxury hotel industry. Tim Hilton ONE MORE KILOMETRE AND WE'RE IN THE SHOWERS (2004) The hotel industry , financial services, and the call-centre industry are prime examples. BUSINESS TODAY (2002) The hotel industry was just an industry that appealed to me. IRISH TIMES (2002) What's News United States Wall Street Journal The hotel industry may be over the worst of the current slump. GLOBE AND MAIL (2003). Collins Alexander Demidov)
archit. гостиничная индустрия
busin. гостиничное хозяйство
EBRD гостиничное дело
hotel industry
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
Hotel industry1