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grifter ['grɪftə] nstresses
gen. аферист (hizman); кидала (Taras); прохиндей (Liv Bliss)
Игорь Миг жулик; ловкач; разводила; ловчила; проныра; хват; плут; пройдоха; проходимец
amer., inf. мошенник; шулер
contempt. жульё (A grifter is a con artist: someone who swindles people out of money through fraud. Grifters are also known as chiselers, defrauders, gougers, scammers, swindlers, and flim-flam men. (Vocabulary.com): "Cherie Evangeline White solicited nearly $1.2 million from 24 investors, promising upwards of 30 per cent annual returns on real estate portfolios between 2016 and 2019. However, she used early investors’ money to pay out newer investors and also used investor money to pay off personal loans, the panel found in its administrative decision." "One word for her: Grifter." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
inf. краснобай (VLZ_58); мошенник (in US: a con artist or a type of person you don't want to trust Val_Ships)
ironic. златоуст (VLZ_58)
obs. майданник (MichaelBurov); майданщик (MichaelBurov)
slang бродяга; нищий; обманщик; подонок; попрошайка
uncom. заворуй (проходимец Супру)
: 2 phrases in 1 subject