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get skates onstresses
inf., brit. поторопиться (My boyfriend always tells me to get skates on because I tend to dress up for some party for hours and we are late all the time)
get one's skates on
put one's skates on
inf., brit. взять ноги в руки (YuliaO); поторапливаться (lop20); поторопиться (If you don't get your skates on, you'll be late for work. • Bargain hunters had better get their skates on – the best properties are selling fast. В.И.Макаров); пошевеливаться (Timmy, get your skates on, or we'll be late to the party!); брать ноги в руки (YuliaO); поспешить (Bargain hunters had better get their skates on – the best properties are selling fast. 4uzhoj); начать быстрее передвигать ногами (If these guys don't get their skates on, we'll be here moving boxes all day. 4uzhoj); ускориться (If these guys don't get their skates on, we'll be here moving boxes all day. • I thought to myself 'er no, no I cant!' but I wished him well as he really picked up the pace and got his skates on. 4uzhoj)
proverb сматывать удочки
get skates on
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects
British usage, not spelling1