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denial of service attackstresses
comp., MS атака типа "отказ в обслуживании" (An attempt by a malicious (or unwitting) user, process, or system to prevent legitimate users from accessing a resource (usually a network service) by exploiting a weakness or design limitation in an information system)
data.prot. воздействие, вызывающее отказ в обслуживании законных пользователей
denial-of-service attack
gen. сетевая атака (A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. wiki Alexander Demidov); генерация направленного избыточного трафика, ведущего к отказу серверов, подключённых к сети Интернет (Alexander Demidov)
comp., MS атака типа "отказ в обслуживании" (An attempt by a malicious (or unwitting) user, process, or system to prevent legitimate users from accessing a resource (usually a network service) by exploiting a weakness or design limitation in an information system)
comp., net. DoS-атака (ZVI-73)
data.prot. атака на отказ в обслуживании (Поляков А.М. Безопасность Oracle глазами аудитора: нападение и защита, 2010 Alex_Odeychuk)
sec.sys. воздействие, вызывающее отказ в обслуживании законных пользователей
 English thesaurus
denial-of-service attack DoS
IT An assault on a service from a single source that floods it with so many requests that it becomes overwhelmed and is either stopped completely or operates at a significantly reduced rate
denial of service attack
: 7 phrases in 5 subjects
Information security and data protection2
Security systems1